Razor - Team of security researchers. Features news, original papers and advisories, presentations they have given, and tools they have written. - http://www.bindview.com/Services/Razor/
Xfocus - Organization dedicated to the research and demonstration of vulnerabilities in network services and communication security. Offers papers, security tools, exploit code, advisories and a discussion forum. - http://www.xfocus.org/
Nomad Mobile Research Centre - Hacker lab engaged in vulnerabilities research. Security papers, full disclosure advisories and current projects. Also features a FAQ on hacking techniques. - http://www.nmrc.org/
Crewl Underground Madness - Belgian group specialized in computer and network (in)security, hacking, coding and phreaking. - http://www.blackhat.be/
Attrition.org - Attrition is an eclectic collection of internet and computer security resources. - http://www.attrition.org/
Digital Information Society - Exploit archive, phreaking information, and group member pages. - http://www.phreak.org/
Moloch Industries - A New York hacker group. - http://www.moloch.org/
HackHull - Group of hackers in the United Kingdom. Information about meetings, projects, and links to personal pages. - http://www.hackhull.com/
Progenic Security - Security advice and exploits. - http://www.progenic.com/
Twentythreedotorg - SoCal's hacking group. Canadian free since 1999. - http://www.23.org/
Cult of the Dead Cow - Offers blog, team background, tools and BackOrifice downloads, and news archive. - http://www.cultdeadcow.com/
Eleventh Alliance - Offers details regarding select viruses, overflow and security exploits, bios tools, and crytography. Also features book reviews on assembly programming and computer security. - http://www.11a.nu/