Per-medjed Designs   - Graphics are categorized as historical, ancient, cultural, floral, nature, seasonal, the arts, Shakespeare, memorial, kids, metals and gems, and miscellaneous. Site also offers purchaseware sets and Outlook stationery. Custom work is available. - 
Creations by Dawn   - Linkware, shareware and custom graphics, categories include Christian, masculine, American patriotic, floral, Victorian, sets for children and teens, "cute", scenic, jeweled, and seasonal. Also available are assorted .gifs, picture frames, backg - 
Inspired Vizions   - Graphic sets are categorized as children, country, holiday, miscellaneous, and Paula Vaughan. Licensed graphics also available, plus fonts, Paint Shop Pro tubes, Kai's Power Tools presets, Hotbar skins, Blade Pro presets, desktop wallpaper, and a digital - 
Iron and Ivy   - Sets organized into categories such as fractal kaleidoscope, quickies, and interfaces, with themes such as floral, tech, ancient, jewels, seasonal, alien, assorted color schemes, and a variety of others. - 
Graphics By World Of Myst   - Many different themes available such as animals, boudoir, executive, fantasy, games and sports, floral, masculine, jewel, music, seasonal, nature, youth, Victorian, and spirits. Custom work available. - 
Silverhawk's Native American Graphics   - Native American themes such as feathers, deer, pipes, dreamcatchers, medicine wheels, arrows, buffalo, eagles, hawks, bear, chevrons. Free for personal pages, small fee for commercial. - 
Groovy Lizard Web Graphics & Design   - Linkware backgrounds in a wide variety of original designs including such themes as floral, nature, kids, funky, gems, romance, home, holidays, cultural, celestial, and peace. Also offers a collection of graphics available at no charge to small registered - 