CSS Portal - Features coding property charts, template examples, visual examples of menus, and online tools for generating code. Also includes recommended software and books. - http://www.cssportal.com
3WShare - Features Design gallery with code examples including CSS, Javascript, and Flash. - http://www.3wshare.com
Design Shack - Selective CSS and Web 2.0 design gallery. Gallery is sortable by category or color. Features regularly updated news and a substantial amount of tutorials, which include actual code. - http://www.designshack.co.uk
CSS Zen Garden - Collaborative on-line gallery demonstrating what can be accomplished in visual design by using cascading style sheets. - http://www.csszengarden.com/
456 Berea Street - The CSS and XHTML Lab - A collection of practical CSS and XHTML experiments, methods, tips and tricks. Many of the examples include step-by-step instructions. - http://www.456bereastreet.com/lab/
CSS Vault - A repository of creative CSS websites. Resources section includes: Articles, Demos, Layouts, Tutorials, and various other related topics. - http://cssvault.com
Light on Dark - Showcase site featuring dark background layouts with light colored type. Places an emphasis on well designed and semantically coded websites. - http://www.lightondark.com
CSS Elite - Showcase site featuring category based gallery, resources, and news. - http://www.csselite.com
CSS Princess - Features a categorized gallery of tableless website designs made by females. Users can rate and comment on the designs. - http://cssprincess.com/
Strictly CSS - Design examples that conform to the web standards and good design practices, with tools, articles and layouts. - http://www.strictlycss.com/
CSS Drive - Gallery organized into categories, such as two column, three columns, and business. Includes code examples. - http://www.cssdrive.com/
CSS Beauty - Design showcase with examples and website reviews. - http://www.cssbeauty.com
CSS Examples Index - A basic look at font type, color and spacing control, using tables with style sheets, float property, and positing. - http://www.macloo.com/examples/css/index.htm
TanTek: CSS Examples - Reconstruction of artwork and layouts of non-media material into a Web media layout using style sheets. - http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/
BlueRobot.com - Two and three column layouts, tutorials on auto-width and negative width margins, and a fix for the @import rule and how Internet Explorer phrases the rule. - http://www.bluerobot.com/
W3C Core Styles - Ongoing project exploring shared style sheets over the Web. Includes several layout designs and details on implementation. - http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/Core/
NoZen - Design layouts using style sheets and details on submitting a layout. - http://www.nozen.com/
Style Bank - Users can view a menu of examples by clicking and previewing the selections. Examples are Web 1.0 styling. - http://www.speace.clara.net/Misc/StyleSheets/