DWG DXF Convert - An AutoCAD DWG/DXF bi-directional translator built using the powerful DWGDXFLib library. It converts an AutoCAD DWG file into an AutoCAD DXF file and vice-versa without the need of AutoCAD. DWG DXF Convert also supports batch conversions of multiple DWG o - http://www.fpsols.com/dwg_dxf_convert.html
DXF2rad - A converter to translate 3D DXF data to the Radiance scene file format, available for multiple platforms. - http://www.schorsch.com/download/dxf2rad/
DXF to OpenGL - This program reads a 3D graphics image file, in the DXF data format, and displays it using OpenGL. - http://www.bearcave.com/dxf/dxfintro.htm