Zhdanova, Anna V. - University of Surrey - Text and document management, information retrieval, natural language processing, databases - http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/A.Zhdanova/
Zennaro, Marco - UC Berkeley. Tutorials on SMIL, XML, RPC, RR and RRA, parser LRk. Pictures, presentations and publications. - http://www.zennaro.net
Zhang, Dengsheng - Monash University - Research on image processing. - http://personal.gscit.monash.edu.au/~dengs/
Zilberstein, Shlomo - University of Massachusetts - Research interests include approximate reasoning, decision theory, design of autonomous agents, heuristic search, information gathering, monitoring and control of computation, planning and scheduling, reinforcement learning, - http://anytime.cs.umass.edu/shlomo/