Evolution@Home - Distributed computing program for evolutionary biology. - http://evolutionary-research.net
Boitho - Boitho distributed crawler (BETA). Goal is to make a general internet search engine with a thumbnail picture of all the pages. - http://www.searchdaimon.com/dc/
SZTAKI Desktop Grid - Project based on the Public Resource Computing model, aiming to support computation intensive research tasks with supercomputing-like performance. - http://szdg.lpds.sztaki.hu/
Leiden Classical - BOINC project, dedicated to general Classical Dynamics for any scientist or science student. - http://boinc.gorlaeus.net/
PCP@HOME - A distributed project to find short Post Correspondence Problems with large shortest solutions. - http://www.theory.informatik.uni-kassel.de/~stamer/pcp/pcpcontest_en.html
Gómez PEER Community - Project pays select computer users to run a client that tests internet performance. - http://peer.gomez.com/
Rosetta@home - BOINC project to predict and design protein structures and protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. The goal is to develop methods that accurately predict and design protein structures and complexes. - http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
NGrid - NGrid is a .Net open source grid computing framework written in C#. NGrid provides a transparent multithread and garbage collected programming model for grid programming. - http://ngrid.sourceforge.net
The DBGlobe Project - Aims at developing novel data management techniques to deal with the challenge of global computing. - http://softsys.cs.uoi.gr/dbglobe/index1.html
Majestic 12 - Distributed Computing Project aimed towards building the largest search engine index on the Internet using Distributed Crawlers. - http://www.majestic12.co.uk
Distributed Hardware Evolution Project (DHEP) - Using a desktop's idle time, arrive at designs of self-diagnosing circuits superior to those produced by conventional design. FAQ, statistics, news, academic papers, forum, and source code. - http://dhep.dbestern.com/
The EON Project - Software for the long time scale simulation of solids. From University of Washington Chemistry Department. - http://eon.cm.utexas.edu/
World Community Grid - Mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Currently supporting the Human Proteome Folding project to provide scientists with data that predicts the shape of a very large number of human proteins. - http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/
Distributed Proofreaders Europe - Modeled after the Digital Proofreaders project, this variation focuses on digitization of works considered to be in the public domain in Europe. - http://dp.rastko.net/
Distributedcomputing.info - Kirk Pearson's directory of current distributed computing projects as well as news articles and related materials. - http://www.distributedcomputing.info/
Compute Against Cancer - Corporate-sponsored project exploring cancer development, prevention and treatment. [Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME] - http://www.computeagainstcancer.org/
Distributed Computing Arcana - A forum for discussing SETI, RC5, F@H, G@H, the UD Cancer Project, and other distributed computing efforts. - http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/ubb.x?a=frm&s=50009562&f=122097561
Mobius - Research project developing tools and middleware components to coherently share and manage data and metadata in a Grid or distributed computing environment. - http://projectmobius.osu.edu
XGrid@Stanford - Project of a postdoctoral fellow in Brian Kobilka's lab, in the Molecular and Cellular Physiology department, Stanford University running large calculations, the purpose being to modelize the conformational changes of the beta 2 adrenergic receptor and ha - http://cmgm.stanford.edu/~cparnot/xgrid-stanford/
Muon1 Optimisation Project - Uses PC idle time to simulate and design a particle accelerator. - http://www.stephenbrooks.org/muon1/
NETI@home - Open-source software package designed to run on end-user machines while collecting various statistics about Internet performance. - http://www.neti.gatech.edu/
12121 Search - Help this distributed computing project by donating CPU cycles to find primes of the form 121*2^N-1. - http://12121.vocabulate.com/
MoneyBee - Generates stock forecasts by application of artificial intelligence with the aid of artificial neural networks. - http://www.moneybee.net/
American Scientist: Collective Wisdom - Article discusses the "early days" (pre-1998) of distributed computing projects, explains the basics of how they work and how to get them to work well, describes some early successes, and considers how CPU cycles may someday become a commodity t - http://www.americanscientist.org/amsci/issues/Comsci98/compsci1998-03.html
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Computing Project - Project goal is a single run-time environment that ties together several networked supercomputers. Intended users are the community of scientists and engineers addressing "grand challenge" computations. - http://www.csm.ornl.gov/cs/DistComp.html
Grid.org - A distributed computing effort by the United Devices Global MetaProcessor with the participation of over 2 million PCs worldwide for cancer, anthrax, and smallpox research projects. - http://www.grid.org/
SDSC Matrix Project for P2P Grid Workflows - The SDSC Matrix Project performs research and open-sourced development to deliver the grid workflow protocols and workflow language descriptions necessary to build a peer-to- peer infrastructure for Grid Workflow Management Systems. - http://www.npaci.edu/DICE/SRB/matrix/
Distributed Proofreaders - Founded to support the digitization of public domain books. Originally conceived to assist Project Gutenberg, Distributed Proofreaders is now the main source of PG e-books. - http://www.pgdp.net/
ClimatePrediction.Net - Large-scale simulation where each participant is given one slightly different scenario to run. Those that successfully model past weather patterns will be more likely to accurately predict the future. - http://www.climateprediction.net/
The Hunting of the Snark Project - Explores distributed file sharing through BitTorrent and experiments with the GNU Compiler for Java. It also produces a regular BitTorrent client, torrent creator and tracker program. - http://www.klomp.org/snark/
GPU, a Global Processing Unit - GPU is an Open Source Gnutella/Pastella client that allows users to share CPU-resources on a truly P2P based cluster. Applications include a Landscape Generator able to generate movies and an experimental Distributed Search Engine. The client is under dev - http://gpu.sourceforge.net
Quite Advanced Distributed Parallel Zystem (QADPZ) - The system allows the management/use of the computational power of idle computers in a network. Based on a client-master-slave architecture, using message based communication. - http://qadpz.sourceforge.net
The NorduGrid Project - The Grid middleware development and testbed deployment project in the Nordic countries - http://www.nordugrid.org
Distributed computing projects - Distributed computing projects links and short descriptions in English and in Finnish. - http://koti.mbnet.fi/aquarius/links/link_distributedpower.html
The Virtual Laboratory Project - Engaged in research, design, and development of Grid technologies that help in solving large-scale compute and data intensive science applications in the area of molecular biology. - http://www.gridbus.org/vlab/
Globus Project - Research project developing a software infrastructure for distributed computing on a world-wide scale. - http://www.globus.org/
Legion: A Worldwide Virtual Computer - Research project homed at the University of Virginia. An open specification and prototype for a worldwide virtual computer. - http://legion.virginia.edu/
The ChessBrain Network - Distributed network chess experiment. Intends to create a single playing program using donated time. - http://www.chessbrain.net