Stanford University Infolab - Database research group homepage. Research, Academic Contacts, some Technical tips. -
University of Edinburgh - Topics of current interest include semistructured data and XML, data integration, novel approaches to query processing and storage, data provenance, archiving and annotation. -
Simon Fraser University - Intelligent Database Systems Research Laboratory. Research and development of data mining and data warehousing technology. -
Hasselt University - Research group on theoretical computer science (foundations of XML, data mining, bioinformatics) -
Aalborg University - Database and Programming Technologies research group. Research focus: data warehousing, database integrity, temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal databases. -
Bell Labs - Network Data and Services Research Department: database systems, XML technology, policy management, automated reasoning, Semantic Web, artificial intelligence, distributed systems, operating systems, programming languages, and workflow systems. -
University of Freiburg - Databases and Information Systems. Research areas include deductive object-oriented database languages, active and deductive databases, referential integrity, and temporal logics. -
Multimedia Databases at Delft - Research focus is on object management and semantic modeling. -
Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Research group focussing on research issues and project work related to very large database and information systems -
University of Michigan Database Group - The database group at Michigan is focused on building the data management infrastructure for the twenty-first century. -
University of Twente - Database research group of the University of Twente is active in the areas of XML, multimedia, and Information Retrieval. -
University of Antwerp - The ADReM research group of the University of Antwerp focuses on expressiveness of next generation query languages for object oriented, semistructured, and spatial databases as well as for data mining. -
University of Zurich - Activities of the Database Technology Group include research and education in database technology and related areas. -
Penn Database Research Group - Home page of the database research group at the University of Pennsylvania. -
Technische Universitaet Dresden - Database Group. Research areas include multimedia databases, workflow management systems, document management, and information retrieval. -
University of Maryland - Database Research Group. Information on people, projects, courses and database-related events and activities. -
Nykredit Center for Database Research - Aims to intensify research in database technology in Denmark. Research projects in temporal databases, data warehousing, spatio-temporal databases, and world-wide-web data management. -
Erlangen University - Department of Database Systems. Research projects include data warehousing, scientific database management, workflow management, and distributed data. -
University of Washington - Database Research Group. Areas of focus include database techniques for the web and the management of heterogeneous and semistructured data, and theoretical issues relating to complexity and query containment. -
University of Waterloo - Database Research Group. Research areas: traditional relational database systems, as well as systems for complex objects, geometric data, text, and real-time data. -
University of Toronto - Database Group. Research areas include query processing, indexing, genetic data management, data mining and internet-based information systems. -
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU) - Institute for Computer Science: Database and Information Systems. Research projects involve knowledge discovery, high dimensional access methods. -
Concordia University - Database Research Group focusing on various aspects of database systems. Links to resources. -