Avaraline VertiServer - Server daemon that supports the Hotline protocol as well as the Avaraline extensions to the Hotline protocol. - http://www.avaraline.net/server.php
hotwired - A Hotline server for Unix-like operating systems that was abandoned by its creator, currently pending further development. - http://sourceforge.net/projects/hotwired/
HotlineX - Free set of software using the Hotline protocols, providing one of the most comprehensive Hotline server application suites that can run on Linux/OSX/Unix. This site provides release information for the base HXD products as well as mHXD. - http://hotlinex.sourceforge.net
SilverWing Server - Server application for the Be Operating System. Versions are available for the x86 and PPC hardware platforms. - http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013465/silverwing-server/
Hotline NetStrangler - Tool to control and limit the network bandwidth used by a Hotline server, or a tool to control your uploads on a Hotline server. Programmed in Java. - http://hotlinenetstrangler.poueck.com/
Hotline Connect Admin Tool - Tool that analyzes and displays the contents of Hotline server log files. It also scans the Users directory and lists basic info on user accounts. - http://detrave.net/nblume/hcadmintool/
OpenSprings Project - Project of Hotsprings, Inc. that releases the source code to Hotsprings' projects under the GNU Public License. The Hotline Connect server source is available under the branch, "OpenLine". - http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensprings
Wired Server - Server daemon for Unix/Linux and Mac OS X that supports the Wired/SSL-TLS protocol as well as the Hotline protocol. The Mac OS X version includes a preferences panel. - http://www.zankasoftware.com/wired/server/
SynHXD - Client/server suite for Linux/Unix operating systems. Includes shxd, a popular Hotline daemon that is integrated into the mhxd application suite. - http://synhxd.sourceforge.net/
Terra - Server built from scratch for the OS X platform by Blackhole Media. Includes a GUI preference pane for control. - http://www.blackholemedia.com/terra/