UC Davis Center for Neuroscience - Group working on coding strategies of the visual system for object recognition and scene analysis. - http://neuroscience.ucdavis.edu/
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society - Brings together the community of scientists and engineers in the field of neural networks and connectionist systems. Includes mission statement, activities, publications and contact information. - http://www.ieee-cis.org/
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence - Theory and methodology of neural networks; medical applications; industrial applications; neural network simulation tools; and connectionism and cognitive modeling. - http://www.ofai.at/
IEEE Neural Network Council - Maintains geographically organized list of Neural Computing research programs worldwide. - http://www.ieee-nns.org/
Center for Spoken Language Understanding at OGI - Group developing nonlinear estimation approaches which rapidly adapt on-line to speaker variations and changing noise sources. - http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/nsel/
Machine Learning - University of Toronto - Machine learning, statistical pattern recognition, probabilistic planning, adaptive systems. - http://learning.cs.utoronto.ca
Institute for Neural Computation at the University of California, San Diego - Devoted to research and development addressing the challenges of understanding how humans function at the neural and cognitive levels, and solving major technological problems related to neural network implementations. - http://www.inc.salk.edu/
Goodman Brain Computation Lab - University of Nevada - To understand memory, learning and cognition through experiments and computational models, and to apply this knowledge to create brain-like artificial intelligence and neural prosthetic devices. - http://brain.cs.unr.edu
NeuroTeam - University of Tübingen - Neural networks for biomedical applications, sensory analysis, quality control and signal processing. - http://www.neuroteam.de/e_index.html
Computation and Neural Systems - Caltech - Studies computations in neural systems, ranging from biological systems, to theoretical models and VLSI applications. - http://www.cns.caltech.edu/
Centre for Neural Networks - King's College London - An inter-departmental center at King's College London coordinating research and teaching in neural networks. Part of NEuroNet. - http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/cnn/