Bilkent University Function Approximation Repository - Datasets used for the experimental analysis of function approximation techniques and for training and demonstration by machine learning and statistics community. -
Reuters-21578 Text Categorization Corpus - A classic benchmark for text categorization algorithms. -
WordSimilarity-353 Test Collection - Contains 353 English word pairs along with human-assigned similarity judgements. -
Web->KB dataset - Web pages partitioned into classes, with hyperlink data. The dataset has been used for text categorization and learning to extract symbolic knowledge from the World Wide Web. -
Learning Relational Concepts from Sensor Data of a Mobile Robot - A set of data sets, where each data set is represented in first order logic. Maintained at the University of Dortmund, Germany. -
HS3D - Homo Sapiens Splice Sites Dataset - HS3D (Homo Sapiens Splice Sites Dataset) is a database of Homo Sapiens Exon, Intron and Splice regions extracted from GenBank primate sequences Rel.123. The aim of this data set is to give standardized material to train and to assess the prediction accu -
Penn Treebank Project - A corpus of parsed sentences. Used by many researchers for training data-driven parsing algorithms. -
Time Series Data Library - A collection of over 500 time series, maintained by Rob Hyndman. Time series are organized by subject. -
Face recognition dataset - A dataset of face images for face recognition algorithms. -
NIST Special Database 4. - This NIST database of fingerprint images contains 2000 8- bit gray scale fingerprint image pairs. -
The StatLib Datasets Archive - A repository of datasets used in statistics and machine learning. -
National Space Science Data Center - Provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar and planetary data from NASA space flight missions, in addition to selected other data and some models and software. -
TREC Data - Text datasets used in information retrieval and learning in text domains. -
UCI Machine Learning Repository - A repository of databases, domain theories and data generators that are used by the machine learning community for the empirical analysis of machine learning algorithms. -
DELVE - Data for Evaluating Learning in Valid Experiments - Data for Evaluating Learning Valid Experiments: A standardized environment designed to evaluate the performance of methods that learn relationships based primarily on empirical data. Delve makes it possible for users to compare their learning methods with -
Dataset generator - Datgen, formerly SCDS, is a computer program that generates data to systematically test programs that consume data. These synthetic datasets can be used to validate learning algorithms. -
The RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) - Archive of experimentally-determined, biological macromolecule 3-D structures from the Brookhaven National Laboratory. -