Railway Systems Suppliers, Inc. - Trade association serving the communication and signal segment of the rail transportation industry. Based in the USA. - http://www.rssi.org/
Railfreight Interchange Investment Group - Industry group seeking to promote economic and environmental benefits of railfreight interchanges within the United Kingdom, and achieve a more constructive planning framework for such developments. - http://www.riig.org/
Permanent Way Institution - The PWI promotes and encourages the acquisition and exchange of technical and general knowledge about the design, construction and maintenance of every type of railed track - http://www.permanentwayinstitution.com
Australian Railway Industry Corporation - Australian railway export association comprising companies supplying technologies to railway operations worldwide. - http://www.aric.net.au/
UIC - International Union of Railways - UIC is the worldwide organisation for railway cooperation. It is active in all the fields involved in developing rail transport. - http://www.uic.asso.fr/
The China Hong Kong Permanent Way Society - The Society promotes and encourages the acquisition and exchange of both general and technical knowledge of planning, design, construction, inspection, maintenance and renewal of permanent way and other associated railway works. - http://www.chkpws.org/
Railway Association of Canada (RAC) - The RAC is the industry association of freight, passenger and commuter railways that operate throughout Canada. - http://www.railcan.ca
New Jersey Shortline Railroad Association - NJSLRA is the association of the small freight railroads in New Jersey. The site includes links to all members for industrial development and freight services. - http://njshortline.com
American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association - ASLRRA represents more than 400 short line and regional railroads. Includes activities, membership list, newsletter, and positions on issues. - http://www.aslrra.org/
Australasian Railway Association - The Australasian Railway Association is the political voice of the rail industry in Australia and New Zealand. - http://www.ara.net.au/
SWISSRAIL Export Association - Grouping of over 70 companies in the Swiss rail export business - http://www.swissrail.com
AAR - Association of American Railroads - Representing North America's freight railroads and Amtrak. Strives to help make the rail industry increasingly safe, efficient and productive. - http://www.aar.org
Transportation Technology Center, Inc - An intermodal research and test center that offers a wide range of capabilities. The center is owned by the Federal Railroad Administration and is operated in the private sector by the Association of American Railroads. - http://www.aar.com
Railway Industry Association UK - The Railway Industry Association is the trade association for UK based suppliers of equipment and services to the rail industry worldwide. - http://www.riagb.org.uk/
The Railway Forum - UK railway trade association which represents all sides of the industry. - http://www.railwayforum.com
National Association of Rail Shippers - The National Association of Rail Shippers is the national umbrella organization that links six regional association of rail owners, vendors and users. - http://www.railshippers.com