South China Shipyard - Guangdong. Manufactures tugs, barges and cargo vessels. They list their yard facilities and provide photos of recent projects. -
Yantai Raffles Shipyard - Shandong, China. Constructs tugs and barges, as well as floating offshore production and storage vessles. They provide company history, with detailed photos and descriptions of yard facilities and equipment, as well as current projects. -
Yiu Lian Dockyards - GuangDong, China. Repairs and conversions of ships and semi-submersibles. They describe their three floating docks to 300m, service vessel fleet, and workshops, with photos and overviews of recent projects. [English/Chinese] -
Qinhuangdao Riching Dockyard - Repairs and conversion, with one graving dock up to VLCC capacity. They overview recent projects and their facilities in English, with more information in Chinese. -
Ocean Lead Shipbuilding Co. - Zhong Shan, Guangdong Province. Mainly constructs oil tankers and chemical tankers. They overview their facilities and standard blueprints, with a listing of recent projects. [English/Chinese] -
China State Shipbuilding Corporation - CSSC builds naval and civilian ships. They provide specifications for their tankers, container ships, tugs and other standard vessels, along with information on their facilities throughout China. [English/Chinese] -
Afai Ships - Hong Kong. Specialized builders of aluminium vessels including fast ferries, passenger/car catamarans, and patrol boats. -