Indian Register of Shipping - A classification society established in 1975, with a quality management system complying with the requirements of International Association of Classification Societies. -
DNV: Det Norske Veritas - Norwegian classification society, also provides certification of management systems, products and personnel to the landbased and offshore industries. It is a worldwide firm. -
Lloyd's Register - UK based classification society. -
International Naval Surveys Bureau - A non-governmental classification society authorised by St. Vincent and the Grenadines. -
RINA - Registro Italiano Navale, Italian classification society. -
Korean Register of Shipping - The Korean Register of Shipping (KR) is a non-profit ship classification society established in June 1960. It is dedicated to working toward the goal of safe ships and clean oceans through promoting technology and human resource development related to shi -
Bureau Veritas - French classification society. -
ABS - American Bureau of Shipping, classification society. -
ClassNK - Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, known as ClassNK or NK, has earned a high reputation for its long-standing dedication to safeguarding life and property at sea and preventing marine pollution through the establishment of universally recognized standards for the desig -