Marine Weather Services - For 15 years MWS has provided research, forecasts and routeing services to the marine industry, and particularly, yachting. -
Weathenews Marine Services (formerly WNI Oceanroutes) - Weather routing and vessel tracking service, ORION onboard weather information and route guidance system, POLARIS weather information and fleet management system, Tow and rig and lightering forecasts, forensic meteorology. -
Meteosail - The weather you need for sailing. Wind and weather forecast charts, wave heights, sea level, air pressure, temperature, weather charts, sailing weather current conditions and others. -
MariSafe Weather Center - MariSafe offers real-time weather forecasts designed to make you safe, smart and secure. -
Today In Cornwall - Cornwall's weather, tide tables and coastal conditions plus local information. -
Seimac Weather Source - Site-specific weather forecasting, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -
National Data Buoy Center - NWS forecasters need frequent, high-quality marine observations to diagnose conditions before they prepare forecasts and to be sure their forecasts are correct. NDBC provides hourly observations from a network of about 60 buoys and 60 C-MAN stations to he -
Aerospace & Marine International Corporation - Provider of marine weather information and services. Our professional meteorologists provide service for industry, government, research, and recreation. -
Marincom Intl Systems Ltd. - World weather routing services for ships and evaluation of vessel performance. -
Oceanweather - A private marine weather forecasting company that specializes in global, regional and site specific forecasts. Oceanweather also provides wind and wave modeling to help in the design of maritime structures. -