iVillage Work From Home Channel - Offers information for women who freelance, own home businesses or telecommute. - http://home.ivillage.com/homeoffice/topics/0,,4tmn,00.html
NoCommute.org - Provides premium telecommuting, office hoteling, conferencing and business services. - http://www.nocommute.org
About.com: Mobile Office Technology - Resources and products for mobile workers, tips and advice for telecommuters, home office resources and remote work business traveling information. - http://mobileoffice.about.com/
SafeWork - Teleworking - PDF report on teleworking. - http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/telework/index.htm
Telework in Hungary and Worldwide - A Hungarian telework job board with tips and articles on teleworking. - http://www.tavmunkainfo.hu/English.htm
Future Work Forum - Forum, workshops and Seminar at Henley Research Centres. - http://www.henleymc.ac.uk/fwf
Variety Work at Home - A directory of real work-at-home jobs that require no fees. Includes advice, information and resources for home based work. - http://www.varietyworkathome.com/
Telework Recruiting - Lists of telecommuting jobs and work from home jobs for the US, UK and Canada. - http://www.teleworkrecruiting.com
Ardis Design - Garden offices designed for the home worker. - http://www.ardisdesign.co.uk
Database Systems Corp. Telecommuting Software - Provider of virtual call center technology including remote agent windows software and virtual phone system supporting work at home agents and call distribution. - http://www.databasesystemscorp.com/psracc.htm
Telework: The Benefits - The benefits of telecommuting for employers and for teleworkers. - http://www.eto.org.uk/faq/faq03.htm
JALA International - Overview of telework, telecommuting, and applied futures research consulting services. - http://www.jala.com/
Beyond Telecommuting - A new paradigm for the effect of Telecommunications on travel. - http://www.lbl.gov/ICSD/Niles/
Oregon Office of Energy Telework Web Site - Information on telecommuting, how it works, how it benefits employees and employers and how to start or improve a telework program. - http://www.energy.state.or.us/telework/telehm.htm
Telecommuter Guidelines - Information on developing work objectives, organizational and time management strategies, communication methods, technology, and problem resolution techniques as they relate to telecommuting. - http://www.its.ucdavis.edu/tcenters/repts/commuter/d1_1-1.htm
Homejobstop.com - A telecommuting resource offering a database of jobs that can be done from home. - http://www.homejobstop.com
KLR Consulting - A management consulting firm specializing in alternative work arrangements and alternative officing. - http://www.klr.com/
LOMA - Explores the issues surrounding telecommuting and gives examples of how to implement telecommuting and work from home policies. - http://www.loma.org/telecom.htm
Allearnatives.com - Resource site for those who either currently are or wish to telecommute. - http://www.allearnatives.com/
Telecommuting Productivity Research - A study that identifies fifteen reasons why telecommuting may not increase productivity as much as commonly believed. - http://cochise.uia.net/westfalr/prdctvty.html
You Can Work From Anywhere - Tips, tools, articles, newsletters, seminars, and other resources to help improve the productivity of telecommuters, mobile workers, managers, and home-based workers. - http://www.youcanworkfromanywhere.com/
InnoVisions Canada - Source of information about telework and telecommuting, with information about the Canadian Telework Association, a non-profit association dedicated to promoting telework. - http://www.ivc.ca/
World of Work Portal - Portal for small business, self employment, teleworking information and resources. - http://www.telework.org.uk
2Work-At-Home.com - Provides telecommuting job listings, home business ideas and other work from home resources. - http://www.2work-at-home.com/
Gill Gordon & Associates - Provides information to individuals and companies on starting telecommuting programs. - http://www.gilgordon.com
Euro-Telework - Research and reports on telework and telecommuting in Europe. - http://www.telework-mirti.org/
European Telework Week - Started in 1995, promoting awareness and uptake of telework across Europe. - http://www.etw.org/