Taylor-Dth Publishing - Cost effective subsidy publishing of new authors' works. Includes guidelines and description of their publishing process. - http://www.taylor-dth.com
Ivy House Publishing Group - Ivy House Publications works closely with authors throughout the entire publishing process to make the publishing experience successful and enjoyable. - http://www.ivyhousebooks.com
The Floating Gallery - Full service self-publishing, cover design, editing, marketing, and book distribution for writers. Also offers manuscript evaluation. - http://www.thefloatinggallery.com
Old Mountain Press - Offers writers the opportunity to self-publish their work in electronic book, e-book form - http://www.oldmp.com/e-book
Babcock Publishing Company - Subsidy publisher specializing in Romance novels, poetry, and Adult books. - http://www.swiftsite.com/exotic/books/index.htm
Phoenix Publishing Group - Service oriented site offers self publishing information, manuscript evaluations and editing, book cover evaluations and designs, production, marketing, and a bookstore of sample self published books. - http://www.phoenixpublishinggroup.com/
Dissertation.com - Make your Graduate Thesis Work for You! The best way to publish your academic thesis or dissertation. Large scale, world-wide commercial distribution in both paperback and PDF formats.$499 base charge - http://www.dissertation.com