McCoy's Horn Library - American publisher of French Horn and Alphorn music, established in 1977 by Marvin McCoy -
Brelmat Music - [PA, USA] Music publisher for brass instruments. Featured are the works of Dr. Frank H. Siekmann. Also available is a large selection of recordings of brass instruments. -
Jerry Lanning - Renaissance to Twentieth Century repertoire arranged for wind instruments using Sibelius software. Scores may be viewed and auditioned on site (Windows/MAC only) -
Triplo Press - Music for three to eighteen trumpets. -
Lassus Publications - Arrangements, compositions, and CDs for brass instruments and ensembles. Site includes catalog and ordering information. -
PEL Music Publications - Compositions and arrangements of brass musicians in and around Wisconsin USA. Catalogue and ordering information -
Edition Elm - Bulgarian music for ensembles, specially featuring the trombone. Site includes catalog, composer biographies, and order information. -
Alafia Publishing and Sales - Publishers of instrumental music for students, teachers and professional performers. -
Sierra Music - It publishes a catalog of big-band charts written for the bands of Kenton, Ferguson, Holman, Hooper, and Curnow. -
Tromba Publications - Endsley Brass - Publishes a catalog of sheet music and books for brass with emphasis on trumpet literature. -
Solid Brass Music Company - Sheet music for brass instruments, featuring personal service and large (2000+) selection. -
Warwick Music - Publisher of trombone and bass trombone music as well as trumpet, horn, tuba, euphonium, brass ensemble, brass quintet, and brass books. -
Amis Musical Circle - A classical music publishing company consisting of the arrangements, transcriptions and compositions of Kenneth Amis, tuba player of the world renowned Empire Brass. -
Charles Colin Music Publications - Publisher of music for all brass instruments (as well as some woodwinds), and books relevant to brass players. Specializes in jazz. -