Wilson Internet - Articles, tips and advice on e-commerce and Internet marketing strategies. - http://www.wilsonweb.com/
LinkJuicy - Blog on link building and linking networks. E-mail notification for new articles available. - http://www.linkjuicy.com/
ADS-Links - Blogging by Ian Lee. A day in the life of an internet marketer. - http://www.ads-links.com/
Internet Marketing Certificate Program - Blog for DePaul University’s Practical Internet Marketing Certificate program. - http://www.practicalinternetmarketing.blogspot.com/
Ys Internet Marketing - Develop and promote small and medium size ventures. - http://www.ys-internet-marketing.com/
Beginning SEO Podcast - SEO Podcast to teach and bridge the gap between website owners and the elusive SEO practices. - http://podcast.neo1seo.com/
Marketing Tipster - Free software which delivers to your desktop a fresh sales or marketing tip every day. Website version also available. - http://www.marketing-drive.com/marketing-tipster/
Web Site Marketing Plan - Articles addressing integration of online and traditional marketing. - http://www.websitemarketingplan.com/
Marketing Scoop - Provides internet marketing resources, tools, and information such as marketing articles and advice from search engine optimization specialists. - http://www.marketingscoop.com
v7n - Learn about branding, marketing and search engine optimization. The site includes related forums. - http://www.v7n.com
Infrasystems, LLC - Information for product marketing managers including articles on product planning, developing market requirements documents, and writing white papers. - http://www.infrasystems.com/
Free keyword information and tools - A blog to help people learn the basics of keyword list building and their use in web page copy and pay-per-click campaigns - http://www.onlinekeywords.com
Idea Engine - A marketing and advertising idea generation tool based on the Theory of Solving Inventive Problems. - http://www.ideaengine.org
Sweet Mantra - Features practical e-marketing and online advertising advice, tips, and best practices by Internet marketing expert Bill Sweetman. - http://www.sweetmantra.com
Marketing with Miles - Marketing strategies and tactics by Miles Baker. Advice relating to SEO, Contextual Advertising, Blogging and more. - http://www.marketingwithmiles.com
IM Starter - Internet marketing guide offering tutorials for small and home-based online businesses. Topics include advertising, email, search, and traffic generation. - http://www.imstarter.com
Bourland - Provides web site publishers and bloggers with advice on how to grow traffic and revenues. Reviews of relevant eBooks and commentary and other related topics. - http://www.bourland.com
SEMPO - Non-profit professional association working to increase awareness and promote the value of search engine marketing. - http://www.sempo.org
Site Reference - Features articles on the topics of search engine optimization and internet marketing, plus also offers related forums. - http://www.site-reference.com/
E-consultancy.com - Information, training and events on best practice online marketing, and e-commerce. Includes case studies, white papers and research as well as an events directory, news service, and online marketing job listings section. - http://www.e-consultancy.com/
KnowThis - Web marketing articles, tutorials, market research, news and other resources for professionals, academics and students. - http://www.knowthis.com/internet.htm
Entrepreneur's Journey - Articles, marketing related news and audio podcasts on Internet business and marketing. - http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com
Keyword Zip Generator - ColtonPerry.com - A free local search tool that generates regional keywords and ads for Google or Yahoo! advertising campaigns. - http://www.coltonperry.com/keyword-generator/index.cfm
Influential Interactive Marketing - A blog focusing on effective interactive marketing, advertising and public relations. - http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com
Constant Contact - Articles on email marketing best practices, including tips on building an email list, writing email newsletters, and tracking email campaigns. - http://www.constantcontact.com/email-marketing-resources/hints-tips/index.jsp
Big Ticket Blog - Advice for affiliates and merchants marketing high value items. - http://www.bigticketblog.com
Self Starters Weekly Tips - Compilation of internet marketing tips, case studies and an active discussion forum. - http://www.selfstartersweeklytips.com
SEO Zone - Collection of search engine optimization, promotion, ecommerce and internet marketing articles. - http://www.seo-zone.com
Marketing for Success - Articles, ideas and tips from marketing coach Charlie Cook on how to attract more clients and grow an online business. - http://www.marketingforsuccess.com/blog/
Why Marketers Should Blog - Marketing weblog about blogging - from a marketer's perspective. - http://www.whymarketersshouldblog.com/
Ad Comparator - A multi-variable split-run testing software application based upon the Taguchi Method for web and print advertisement optimization. - http://www.adcomparator.com
KeyWebData - Information to help marketers deliver content to opt-in subscribers. Articles detail how to avoid triggering spam filters and false positives to achieve high newsletter delivery rates. - http://www.keywebdata.com
Icon Interactive - Free tools that include a link popularity, keyword popularity and search engine submission. Also contains articles relevant to Internet marketing. - http://www.iconinteractive.com/
Internet Ad Sales - Online advertising network reviews and information, internet marketing tips and ad industry news. - http://www.internetadsales.com
Business Blog Consulting - A resource for companies interested in creating a business weblog. - http://www.businessblogconsulting.com/
Marketing Tom - A blog that offers Internet marketing news, tools and advice. - http://www.marketingtom.com
Excess Voice - Original articles by Nick Usborne, resource listings and reviews for online marketing copywriters, web content writers and webmasters. - http://www.excessvoice.com
Marketing Experiments.com - Testing and results of various web marketing methods and tools. Includes data and reviews on web metrics applications, PPC, email strategies, pay for inclusion and page design. - http://www.marketingexperiments.com
Advanced Marketing Institute - Offers a free online headline analysis application that generates a percentage score to indicate the perceived emotional marketing value and category of the text entered. - http://www.aminstitute.com
Conversion Chronicles - Articles to help web site owners learn how to convert more of their traffic into prospects and customers. - http://www.conversionchronicles.com
Internet Based Moms - Internet business ideas, tips on building a web page designed for sales and search engine rankings, plus information on marketing your website online. - http://www.internetbasedmoms.com
Ad Notions - Articles and resources relating to marketing affiliate programs, banner network ads, email marketing and search engine placement. - http://www.adnotions.com
The Write Market - Internet marketing tutorials, articles and services, plus regular newsletters geared towards online business. - http://www.thewritemarket.com/tools.shtml
Corporate Website Marketing - Information, resources, and tips about marketing a business to business website. - http://www.corporatewebsitemarketing.com
Top Keywords - Offers the latest top 300 Internet keywords, monthly comparison of keyword trends, plus marketing tools and tutorials. - http://www.top-keywords.com/
Professor Avi Goldfarb - Research papers focusing on Internet economics and marketing. - http://www.rotman.utoronto.ca/~agoldfarb/
eMarketing Answers - Database of eMarketing questions and answers, plus free web site promotion tools. - http://www.emarketinganswers.com
MarketingNewz - Offers marketers tips and ideas on how to utilize the Internet in their marketing mix. Regular newsletter and article archives. - http://www.marketingnewz.com
Internet Marketing Warriors Forum - Forum devoted to Internet marketing, search engine placement and optimization, plus affiliate programs advice and support. - http://www.warriorforum.com/forum/
Keyword Marketing Superstar - Offers information on pay per click search engine advertising, keyword marketing and research, search engine optimization, web analytics and online copywriting. - http://www.keywordmarketingsuperstar.com/
CRMTrends.com - Information on CRM and eCRM best practices for e-marketing professionals that includes how tos for website building, running of e-mail campaigns and metrics for each. - http://crmtrends.com/ecrm.html
Seo Today - Provides articles and information about the search engine optimization and marketing industry. Latest articles can be sent via email. - http://www.seotoday.com/
Sell Those Widgets - Offers independent web marketing advice for amateurs and professionals, including articles and resources. - http://www.sellthosewidgets.com/
Headline Secrets - Free articles and tips booklet offering ideas for maximizing marketing and advertising returns through headlines. - http://www.headlinesecrets.com
Save The Free Web - Articles and a forum about the impact of ad-blocking software on Internet marketing. - http://www.savethefreeweb.com/
Web-2-Consumer - Marketing resources and techniques. Search engine optimization, targeting, meta-tags and other tutorials. - http://www.w-2-c.com/
Design Stop - Advice on developing your own web brand, networking strategies and other marketing oriented tutorials. - http://www.designstop.com/marketing-promotion/marketingintro.htm
Ad Tracking Guides - Reviews of ad tracking programs with tips on using them for campaign management, affiliate marketing, and classified advertising. - http://www.ad-tracking.com/
Taming the Beast - Web marketing strategies, affiliate guides and resources. Ecommerce tutorials and search engine optimization articles authored by the site owner available for reproduction. - http://www.tamingthebeast.net/
EMarketingman.com - Free information about how to start and promote an Internet business. - http://emarketingman.com/
Maniactive - Articles and presentations on how to brand and market a business on the Internet. - http://www.maniactive.com
CyberSpeaker - Articles - Articles and information covering web site promotion and strategy, online customer service, traffic analysis, virtual communities and Internet market research. - http://www.cyberspeaker.com/articles.html
Allen.com - Articles on one-to-one marketing for online business and industry relevant book reviews. - http://www.allen.com/
BtoBOnline - Online magazine for marketing strategists. Provides current news and techniques for web marketers. - http://netb2b.com/
Interactive Advertising Bureau - Global association devoted to maximizing the use and effectiveness of advertising on the Internet and in other similar media. - http://www.iab.net/
BizWeb 2000 - Free Internet marketing help and web site promotion tips for small and home based businesses. - http://www.bizweb2000.com
Market My Dot Com - Internet marketing and website promotion resource center. - http://www.marketmy.com