Polstrat - Specializes in business strategy simulation and business strategy games. Provides consulting services in strategic planning. - http://www.polstrat.com/
Latitude - Focuses on the issues of strategy and private equity support. - http://www.latitude.co.uk
Rabehl, Siegelberg & Partners - Offers consulting and research services in country risk management for credit institutions and other businesses. German firm. - http://www.countryrisk.de
Ampol Consultants - Specialize in scenario planning, strategy planning, strategy implementation, process improvements and customer satisfaction. - http://www.ampolbiz.com/consulting
Institute for Forecasting Education - On-site customized workshops for companies and organizations worldwide. IFE also offers forecasting consulting and software integration services. - http://www.forecastingeducation.com
Technology Futures, Inc. - Technology/market forecasts using quantitative methods. - http://www.tfi.com/
De Wit & Meyer Strategy Works - A consulting, research and training firm specializing in strategy development. - http://www.dewit-meyer.com/