Davies Development Services - Offers management development programmes, in company training, and one to one coaching and mentoring. - http://www.daviesdevelopment.co.uk
Dynamic Consulting Services - Organization development coaching, training and consulting specializing in team building, conflict resolution, diversity, leadership. Based in California. - http://www.dcspeoplesolutions.com/
D'Jungle People - Experiential learning consultants offer programs in leadership, team building, and organisational and cultural change. (Selangor, Malaysia) - http://www.djunglepeople.com
Dean & Company - Strategy consulting and investing firm. Services offered to both large corporations and early stage companies. Provides detailed description of services, experience, and industrial sectors served. - http://www.dean.com/
DeWolff, Boberg & Associates - A management consulting firm. Website describes their unique process of helping clients achieve their business objectives. - http://www.dewolffboberg.com
Deveplan-Kehitys Oy - Management of international and domestic development projects. Areas of expertise include health care and social welfare development, tourism, and urban and regional planning. Located in Finland. - http://www.deveplan.fi/
Dissero Partners - A strategy consulting firm providing corporate strategy, turn-around, and business plan development services to established companies and start-ups in the communications and digital media market sectors. - http://www.disseropartners.com
The Delphi Group - Helps organizations achieve overall results through the alignment of purpose, people and performance. - http://www.thedelphigroup.com/
DecisionStat - Provides human resource and business consulting, training, research, and evaluation. - http://www.decisionstat.com
Diamond Minds International - Business Consultants to North and South America on import/export, marketing, sales, public relations and sales training. - http://www.diamondmindsinternational.com
Daniel Penn Associates - Management consulting firm helping enhance performance, improve productivity and increase revenues. - http://www.danielpenn.com
Delphi Pharma - Strategic, financial and market-based insight and analysis to help support and guide top-level decision-making in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. - http://www.delphipharma.com
de Wardt and Company Inc - International management consultant specializing in lean management, scenario based strategies and project management. - http://www.dewardt.com
Dove Consulting - Provides innovative strategy and organizational change services to Fortune 500 clients. - http://www.consultdove.com
Delta Street Inc. - Financial and management resources through a network of business professionals and service providers. - http://www.deltastreet.com
Dr. Larry Baker - Performance strategies and executive coaching. Helps companies, teams, and individuals adapt strategic and operational performance concepts to improve productivity. - http://drbakercenter.com/
Differ - Management consulting firm specializing in brand strategy and how to compete in a saturated market. - http://www.differ.com
De Rose and Associates Inc - Providing value selling, pricing and cost, business marketing strategies and consulting. - http://www.valuesell.com/
Douglas C Mead - Offering performance improvement coaching and business productivity enhancement systems. - http://www.dougmead.com/
DeltaPro Consultants - Business performance improvement in marketing and sales, operations and production, strategic and business planning, strategic and business planning. - http://www.deltaproconsultants.com/
Dega Systems - Provides information technology consulting to small businesses. - http://www.degasystems.com/
Dato Leadership Institute, LLC - Offers leadership development programs to business and professional leaders. Based in Wynnewood, PA. - http://www.dato-leadership-institute.com/
Diede Dynamic Seminars - Offering seminars, consulting and keynote speeches on 'human relations' issues. Including gender issues, sexual harassment prevention, dispute resolution, team building and interpersonal communication. - http://www.diede.com/
Direct Marketing Insights - Provides a full range of direct marketing services for catalog entrepreneurs including catalog development, strategic catalog planning, telemarketing training, catalog mailing list acquisition and management consulting. - http://www.dminsights.com/
Dukes Court - Specializing in business development, people development and training, with a unique focus on business strategy and effective business planning. - http://www.dukes-court.com/
Deion Associates & Strategies, Inc. - A full-service consulting firm offering the following services: business planning, operational review, turnaround/crisis management, strategy development, CEO services, seminar/workshop presentation, and assistance with international trade in the former S - http://www.deionassociates.com/
Dartmouth Research and Consulting - International management consulting firm focusing on corporate development, business management and Internet technology solutions. - http://www.dartmouth-research.com/
Develin & Partners - Independent European management consultancy specializing in re-engineering, process improvement, change, organization design and performance measurement. - http://www.develin.co.uk/
DeMars & Associates, Ltd. - Providing consulting, administration, training, and research services. - http://www.demarsassociates.com/
Destra Consulting Group - Boulder, Colorado based consulting firm provides customized programs in leadership development, business growth, organizational development and team building. - http://www.destraconsulting.com/
Dewar Sloan - Works with senior executives and managers on business conditions, specific business strategy options, plan implementation, operating problems and business growth situations. - http://www.dewarsloan.com/
Denison Consulting - Focusing on organizational culture and leadership, specializing in development and implementation of related research-based surveys and assessment tools. - http://www.denisonculture.com/
Delphin-international - Improve the performance of trainers, facilitators, teams, leaders and organizations. - http://www.delphin-international.com/
Dr. Karla Kay Potetz & Associates - Conducting management training seminars to companies since the early 1980s. - http://www.drkkp.com/