Old Hill Partners, Inc. - Registered Investment advisor that currently manages 5 fixed-income strategies. The firm invests primarily in highly collateralized fixed-income assets that are relatively short in duration. - http://www.oldhill.com
DFL Financial Services SA - Swiss financial company which specializes in offering financial services to institutional and private investors in all derivative and cash markets. - http://www.dfl.ch
Pantheon Capital Management - Mangers of Pantheon Partners, a conservative technology hedge fund in public stocks. Their stated goal is to maximize capital gains in both long and short positions. Leverage is rarely used. - http://www.pantheoncapital.com
Joy Asset Management ltd. - A licensed Financial Service Advisor, Asset Management and Introducing Broker. They offer hedge funds and managed accounts. - http://joyam.info
4X Capital Management LLC - Global Macro manager offering absolute return directional strategies in global equities, futures (commodities and financial) and foreign exchange. - http://www.4xcap.com
Unicom Capital LLC - An investment management firm specializing in the global equities market. - http://www.unicomcapital.com
Resolute Capital Growth Fund LTD - A British Virgin Island hedge fund offering low risk investment strategies. - http://www.rescgf.com
Nikitsky Russia/CIS Opportunities Fund - A long-short, absolute return vehicle, aiming to profit from mispricings, misinformation, and misconceptions about the Russian Market. - http://www.nikitskyfund.com
Everest Capital - A global investment advisory firm managing over $2 billion in a family of hedge funds for institutional and high net worth clients. - http://www.everestcapital.com
DRC Capital, Ltd. - Venture capital fund investments in alternative energy, nanotechnology, American inventors, entrepreneurs, oil and gas, gold, real estate. - http://www.drcventurecapital.com/
Arden Asset Management - Investment Manager that offers resources for managing fund of hedge fund portfolios. - http://www.ardenasset.com/
ALT-FX Limited - Australian based hedge fund manager regulated and licensed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission(ASIC). Runs a FX hedge fund domiciled in the Cayman Islands. - http://www.alt-fx.com/
Joe Feshbach Partners, LLC - Palo Alto based fund, managed by Joe Feshbach. The fund uses a long only proprietary strategy (Crisis InvestingSM) to create value in small to mid-cap stocks. - http://www.jfeshbach.com
Eclectica Asset Management - Founded in 2005 by two ex-partners of Odey Asset Management. It was established on the premise of performance-driven absolute return investing. - http://www.eclectica-am.com
EIM Group - Manager specialising in tailor-made Funds of Hedge Funds portfolios. A privately owned firm which prides itself on working independently and objectively. - http://www.eimgroup.com
The Abernathy Group - Long/Short equity alternative asset management firm located in New York City. - http://www.abbygroup.com
Asset Value Investors Limited - Money management firm established in 1985 to manage the assets of British Empire Securities & General Trust plc. In 2004 formed a US entity for managing US funds. - http://www.assetvalueinvestors.com
Gordon Asset Management - A New York based firm which manages hedge fund of funds. - http://www.gordonasset.com
Highpoint Capital Advisors - A long/short equity hedge fund focused on absolute, risk-adjusted returns with low volatility - http://www.highpointfund.com
Newfield Partners LLC - A global distribution platform of world class hedge fund managers - http://www.newfieldpartners.net
Sascam Global I - The first German Managed Futures Fund established under the legal form of an investment stock corporation with variable capital (the German equivalent to the Luxembourg SICAV), meeting all reporting and tax transparency criteria of the German Investment A - http://www.sascam.com
Ion Partners LLC - High-net worth individuals and institutional investor hedge fund manager. - http://www.ionpartnersllc.com
Indea Capital Pte Ltd - A Singapore based investment advisor which run Indea Absolute Return Fund , a hedge fund investing in India and Indian companies globally. - http://www.indeacapital.com
Ferrell Capital Management - Manager of a Multistrategy Fund of Hedge Funds / Absolute Return Strategy. The fund features controlled risk, consistant compounded returns and a low correlation to the S&P500 Index. The firm specializes in risk management. - http://www.ferrellcapital.com
Twin Cedars Investments, LLC - Chicago-based hedge fund with a multi-strategy approach that includes both fundamental and directional investing in growth (technology, emerging markets) and value (price dislocation) opportunities in U.S. and global equity and fixed income markets. The F - http://www.twincedarsllc.com
Octagon Capital Management - A Singapore-based hedge fund company which adopts a quantitative approach to investing. They aim to generate superior absolute returns based on a disciplined quantitative investment process. - http://www.octagoncapital.com.sg/webpg/us.asp
Armajaro Asset Management - Manager of the Coolum Fund (a Pan European equity long/short market neutral strategy), Armajaro Commodities Fund (a pure commodities fund managed on a discretionary basis)and they are currently establishing a Fund of Hedge Funds. - http://www.armajaro.com/default.asp?stream=7
Schultze Assest Management, LLC. - Hedge fund management company. Specializes in the turnaround of bankrupt companies. - http://www.samco.net/
TechInvest - Australian based international equities manager. Focusing on investing globally in health care, information technology and telecommunications. Manager of long bias and market neutral long/short equity funds. - http://www.techinvest.com.au
Adair Capital LLC - Private research and alternative investment firm specializing in hedge fund of funds. - http://www.adaircapital.com
Optimation Investment Management - Optimation Investment Management LLC creates investment products for sophisticated investors to deploy capital in the world's equity, commodities, and foreign exchange markets. Manages the Black Swan Fund. - http://www.oimllc.com
Righthedge Investments LLC - A Canadian based hedge fund geared toward providing high Alpha,and low Beta by diversifying into different time frame horizons. - http://www.righthedge.com
Sigma Fund Sicav funds of hedge funds - Luxembourg Sicav comprising three absolute return funds of hedge funds: Sigma Fund Universal, Sigma Fund Valencia and Sigma Fund Man. Attractive risk-adjusted returns with low correlation to traditional assets. - http://www.sigmafundsicav.com
CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Indices - Provides hedge fund indice and subindice performance and analytics. - http://www.hedgeindex.com
The Man Group - Provider of alternative investment products and solutions as well as a futures broker. - http://www.mangroupplc.com/
Paradigm Global Advisors - Fund of hedge Funds - This site contains information regarding their theoretical and statistical approach to hedge fund investing. This site is a brief overview and introduction to their methodology. They were established in 1991. - http://www.paradigmhedgefunds.com
Turnstone Asset Management - Fund of hedge funds manager, focused on achieving absolute returns for its clients using "long / Short" strategies. - http://www.turnstoneam.com
VN Capital Management, LLC - A non-registered investment advisory firm located in New York, New York that manages the VN Capital Fund I, LP, a Delaware based hedge fund that holds a concentrated portfolio of small-cap equities. - http://www.vncapital.net
MSS Capital - Multi fund manager, located in London and the Provider of Alternative Assets. - http://www.msscapital.com
creInvest: access to non traditional investments - Company listed on Swiss Exchange that gives its investors access to a diversified, professionally managed portfolio of international hedge funds. - http://www.creinvest.ch/
Dvorkin Investments - An alternative investment partnership that offers a value oriented portfolio with high return-low risk attributes, investing primarily long in US equity and special situations. - http://www.dvorkininvestments.com
Altegris Investments - Hedge funds, managed futures and alternative investment products and services to help high net worth individuals and institutions build diversified portfolios. - http://www.managedinvestments.com/
A.I.M. Trading - Investment management firm offering an offshore fund, 3R Ltd., a Cayman Island corporation administered by Trinity Fund Administration Limited. - http://www.aimtrading.be/
KGR Capital - Asian fund of hedge funds in Asia. Low volatility. Absolute returns. Diversified portfolio. Capital growth and preservation. - http://www.kgrcapital.com/
Olsen Managed Accounts - Managed accounts as a liquid investment for retail market: site offers opportunity to invest in currency hedge fund program developed by Olsen Ltd, a sister company of OANDA. - http://invest.olsen.ch
Opportunity Hedge Fund - Fund which seeks growth of capital while tightly managing risk and volatility. - http://opportunityhedgefund.com
Stanfield Capital Partners - Specializes in providing credit based alternative investment strategies to investors globally. - http://www.stanfieldcp.com
Guidance Capital - Alternative investment manager offering hedge fund of funds. The firm offers a variety of products focusing on absolute return as well as long biased equities. - http://www.guidancecapital.com
Fabien Pictet & Partners Ltd - Funds managed: FPP Emerging Hedge Fund I (Global, Absolute Return); FPP Emerging Markets Fund II (Global, Relative to MSCI); The 395 Fund (European Emerging Markets, Absolute Return; GEMs Bond Fund (Global Emerging Markets Absolute Return. Total AUM $200m - http://www.fpictet.com
Capital Fund Management - Paris based manager specialised in statistical arbitrage on futures,equities and options. - http://www.cfm.fr
Eagle Rock Diversified Investment Fund - Hedge Fund managed by Eagle Rock Partners. An exclusive membership-driven Hedge Fund Opportunity, for accredited potential individual, IRA, pension, corporate, trust, endowment, and family office investors - http://www.eaglerockfund.com
Absolute Capital investments - An alternative investment management firm specialising in hedge fund and structured debt products. Their proprietary investment process, is designed to combine non-traditional investment strategies to achieve our absolute return objectives. - http://www.absolutecapital.com.au
Fundana Group - Investment advisors based in Geneva that advise on Fund of Fund products. - http://www.fundana.ch/
Mellon Global Alternative Investments - Provides information on MGAI's range of hedge fund of funds solutions.Web site contains sophisticated charting tools built specific to the alternative risk market. - http://www.mgai.co.uk
Artradis Fund Management - An absolute return asset management company focused on delivering above average, risk adjusted returns in Asian markets. - http://www.artradis.com
Pentagram Investment Partners - An experienced asset management firm offering focused investment products in alternative and more traditional asset classes developed after comprehensive analysis of the global marketplace. - http://www.pentagrampartners.com
BluMont Capital - Canadian hedge fund company. - http://www.blumontcapital.com
Aster-X Capital Management BV - Hedgefund manager, alternative investments based in Amsterdam - http://www.aster-xcm.com
Endevon Capital, LLC - Manages multi-manager hedge fund portfolios for private clients, family offices and small institutions. - http://www.endevon.com
FMG - Fund managers limited - Selects the world's leading money managers and offers institutions and private investors a simple, effective and low-risk way to invest with them. - http://www.fmgfunds.com
Epic Capital Management Inc. - A long/short equity hedge fund. Our goal is to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns. The fund is managed by Dave Fawcett and Tom Schenkel. - http://www.epiccapital.ca
BlueCrest Capital Management - Hedge fund manager contact details, and password-protected information for investors. - http://www.bluecrestcapital.com/
Fix Asset Management - Company specialises in the management of alternative investment portfolios since 1984. - http://www.fixassetmanagement.com
Mark Capital Management - UK based hedge fund management company established to provide investment opportunities for sophisticated high net worth and institutional investors. - http://www.markcapital.co.uk
IKOS Fund Management - Fund management for investments such as statistical arbitrage and global equity. - http://www.ikosam.com
Aspect Capital UK - Alternative investment manager for institutions and wealthy individuals. Portfolios independent of stock and bond market indices. - http://www.aspectcapital.com
Cannonball Fund - A conservative fund of hedge funds that seeks to perserve capital across varied market conditions and to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns with limited correlation to major financial markets, through a multi-manager, multi-strategy approach to inv - http://www.cannonballfund.com/
Cadogan Management, LLC - Private investment management and research specializing in hedge fund-of-funds. - http://www.cadoganmanagement.com/
LGT Capital Partners and Castle - An alternative asset and fund-of-funds manager in Europe, managing private equity and hedge fund investments on a global basis. Castle Alternative Invest is a global portfolio of hedge funds. Castle Private Equity is a global portfolio of private equity - http://www.lgtcp.com
Commerce Asset Fund Managers - Money manager for leading corporations, insurance, pension & unit trust funds and Government institutions. With paid up capital of RM5.5 million and authorised capital of RM10 million, funds are managed by a group of dedicated investment professionals - http://www.cafm.com.my
The Peligrin Fund - A transparent collective fund - their website shows all their positions and why they are there. - http://www.peligrin.co.uk
Finvest Primer - A long/short hedge fund which focuses on absolute returns regardless of market conditions. - http://www.finvestfund.com
Rigel Fund - Diversified fund focused on futures, foreign exchange and fixed income products. - http://www.rigelfund.co.uk/
Deutsche Asset Management Australia - An Australia only fund manager offering individuals, financial advisers, institutions and private investors a full range of investment products and services - http://www.am.australia.db.com