HYmarket - High yield bond data and analysis. Access to some data requires subscription. - http://www.hymarket.com/
Eurobond Online - Global Bond, Euro, Fx, Index, futures and options analytics and strategy information. - http://www.eurobondonline.com
Bond Stategist - Previews and reviews credit markets and related economies. Technical analysis, documentation and information on fixed-income and money markets. - http://www.bondheads.com/
FridsonVision High Yield Research - Home to Leverage World, a weekly publication that analyzes the key events and trends that drive the performance of high yield bond portfolios. - http://www.fridsonvision.com/
Japanese Government Bonds - Research and links to English language resources about Japanese Government Bonds from Mizuho Securities. - http://www.mizuho-sc.com/english/ebond/bonds/jgb.html
Dominion Bond Rating Service - DBRS provides credit analysis. Currently rates over 700 companies and single purpose vehicles which borrow commercial paper, term debt and preferred shares in Canada. Press releases, industry studies and reports. - http://www.dbrs.com/
Moody's Credit Market Overview - Moody's Investors Service economists survey the international credit markets. - http://www.moodys.com/economics.nsf/web/ecoindex?OpenDocument
ConvertBond.com - Research, recommendations, quotes and news for convertible bonds, convertible preferred stocks, and other convertible securities. - http://www.convertbond.com/