Certified Payroll
- Contractors Prevailing Wage Insurance Services provides solutions to take credit on certified payroll for the prevailing hours worked.
- http://www.contractorsprevailingwage.com/pension-programs.html
Patriot Trading Company IRA - Offers precious metal investment for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). - http://www.allamericangold.com/act.html
Liberty Conservative Investments - Liberty Conservative Investments is a nation-wide seller of precious metal bullion and coins. Specializing in putting precious metals into IRAs. - http://www.libertyconservativeinvestments.com
Carson Wealth Management Group - Services offered include financial, tax, and estate planning. - http://www.carsonwealth.net/
Comparative Annuity Reports - Publishes monthly reports comparing performance and stability of annuity programs. - http://www.immediateannuities.com/comparativeannuityreports/
The Policy Servicing Company - Annuities and annuity quotes from UK Independent Financial Advisers. - http://www.atretirement.co.uk/
Alliance Financial Services - Provides consultation and full service products for annuities, fixed-returns, medical insurance, long-term care, and other financial investments - http://www.annuityexperts.info/
PensionSorter - Jargon-free independent information on UK pensions and financial planning for retirement. - http://www.pensionsorter.com/
American General Corp. - A financial services group; providing retirement plans, investment management, life insurance, and consumer loans. Profiles the company, including an investor perspective and career opportunities. (NYSE: AGC) - http://www.agc.com/
Steve Wood and Associates - Advisors on retirement planning, investments, mutual funds, life insurance, and asset allocation for individuals, foundations, and small businesses. - http://www.financialprogress.com/
Shurwest Financial Group - Offers annuity products and service. Program descriptions. - http://www.shurwest.com/
Great-West Retirement Services - Administration, education, and pension plan marketing services. Also provides online retirement education and calculators. - http://www.gwrs.com/
Retirement Planning Services, Inc. - Provides financial and retirement planning services. Contains financial, investment, and retirement educational information and resources. - http://www.smarterdollars.com/
Axcess Financial - Offers insurance products, annuities, mutual funds, long-term care insurance, disability and retirement plans. - http://axcessfinancial.com/
AIG SunAmerica Inc. - Offers retirement planning and savings strategies. - http://www.sunamerica.com/
Hackett Retirement Solutions - Offers retirement planning, long term care insurance, annuities, and educational seminars for senior citizens. - http://www.hackettretirement.com/
Atkin & Co - Actuarial and benefit consultants specialising in providing pension scheme services to small and medium sized businesses. - http://www.atkin.uk.com/
Teachers Financial Services - Retirement planning, tax sheltered annuities and insurance services for Southern California public school employees. - http://www.teachersfs.com/
Tracey Little - Provides retirement and financial services advice to America's middle-income families. Details on seminars and financial facts. - http://www.traceylittle.com/
The Clark Financial Group, LLC - A full service investment brokerage firm specializing in retirement plans for individuals and small businesses. - http://www.clarkfinancial.com/
Eldorado Financial - Financial planning and investment advisor. Includes service descriptions, industry definitions, and investment style. - http://www.prestigeadvisors.com
Fiscal Agents Financial Services Group - Listing current rates on investment funds and instruments, as well as a financial glossary, newsletter library, calculators and worksheets to help provide personal financial solutions to the conservative investor. - http://fiscalagents.com/
CDM Retirement Consultants, Inc. - Specializing in self-directed defined contribution plans. Offers advisory services on design, implement and administer of retirement plans. - http://www.cdmretirement.com/
Oswald Financial, Inc. - Designs and operates 401(k), profit sharing and defined benefit plans. Features newsletter, links to related resources. Contact details. - http://www.oswaldfinancial.com/
SuperFacts.com - Offers Australian retirement planning information. - http://www.superfacts.com/
The Newport Group - Provides consulting, asset management and administrative services for both qualified and non qualified retirement plans. - http://www.newportgroup.com/
Benefit Resources, Inc. - Design, implement and manage pension plans. - http://www.benefit-resources.com/
Ann Fagelson Government Seminars - CSRS, FERS and MRT pre-retirement planning services and benefit advice. Specializes in pre-retirement planning programs for federal employees. - http://www.governmentseminars.com/
Invesco Limited - Offers pension and investment consultancy. - http://www.invesco.ie/
PensionConcepts.net - Specializes in the analysis of pension plans. - http://www.pensionconcepts.net/
First National Equity, Inc. - Providing annuity investment products to people over the age of 55 years old. - http://www.firstnationalequity.com/
Lindblad Financial Group - Provides planning for business owners and affluent pre-retirement and post retirement clients. - http://www.lindbladfinancial.com/
Annuities Online - Providing UK annuity league tables and personal quotations. Detailed information about annuities. - http://www.annuities-online.com/
Wintrust - Offers pension and investment consultacy. - http://www.wintrust.ie/
Retirement-4-U - Retirement planning and consulting services providing specific individual retirement information tailored to retirement goals. - http://www.retirement-4-u.com
R. Bruce Tanner and Associates, Inc. - Providing retirement plan services. Specialize in servicing small to mid-sized Defined Contribution Plans. - http://www.rbtanner.com/
How-to-Retire.com - Offering information on formulating an initial plan, calculating for inflation, ruling out risky investments. - http://www.how-to-retire.com/
QUADSWEB.com - Site offers information for both employers and participants in pension plans. Includes information on 401(k) and IRAs. - http://www.quadsweb.com
Transamerica Retirement Services - A full range of retirement services, including 401(k) and profit-sharing plans. - http://www.ta-retirement.com
Pointon York - Specializes in retirement planning, self-invested pensions and property management. - http://www.pointonyork.com/
RK Asset Management - A financial planning firm. Services include retirement and estate planning, fee-based brokerage accounts, annuities and 401k plan consulting. - http://www.rkasset.com/
Insurance.com - Retirement - Offers general information necessary when choosing your retirement annuities. - http://www.insurance.com/profiles_insights/life_events/retirement/retire_index.asp
Mason LaRoche - Offer tailored financial advise on investment, pensions, retirement and education funds to entrepreneurs and corporate executives, professionals and families in the Asia Pacific region. - http://www.masonlaroche.com/
Lifetime Planning Concepts - Offering fee-based advisory for retirement, investment and estate planning needs. Specializes in IRAs and the education process of investing. - http://www.shambo.com/
The Advantage Group - St. Louis-based insurance brokers offering equity index product descriptions, rates, and educational materials. - http://www.indexannuity.org
A+ Financial Group - Specializes in financial and life planning utilizing mutual funds, annuities and insurances. - http://www.aplusfg.com/
Advanced Corporate Planning - A pension consulting firm, Provides various employee benefit, pension and retirement plans. - http://401kpsp.com/
Brokerage Advisory Services, Corp. - Offers retirement and tax planning, life insurance and long term care products, estate planning services. - http://www.bascorp.com/
Tools2Retire - Construct your retirement plan with tools and information. - http://www.tools2retire.com
Pension Consultants, Inc. - Providing independent search, investment, compliance, and communications services to company-sponsored retirement plans across the United States. - http://pension-consultants.com/
Capital Care - Specialists in advice for long term care. - http://www.capitalcare.co.uk
MLC - Wealth management division of Nab. Provides superannuation, investment and retirement income solutions through a network of financial advisers and two investment platforms. - http://www.mlc.com.au/
mPower.com - Provider of investment advice and retirement education for 401k/retirement plan participants. - http://www.mpower.com/
OnPlan - OnPlan provides "private-labeled" 401(k) asset allocation and Mutual Fund Selection guidance. - http://www.onplan.com
Moseley Investment - Registered Investment Advisor in Florida providing retirement, estate, and intergenerational financial management and planning. - http://www.moseleyinvestment.com
Norris Financial Group - Market research and investment portfolio tracking. Includes company profile, information and contacts. - http://www.norrisfinancialgroup.com/
Punter Southall and Co. - Consulting actuaries, pension scheme administration, employee benefits, insurance and financial management. - http://www.puntersouthall.com/
Big Time Pension Plans - Offering pension plan experts and actuaries administration for small business, even one person plans. - http://www.bigtimepension.com/
Spectrum Insurance Group - Insurance products and pension and profit sharing plans. - http://spectruminsurancegroup.com/
Suffolk Life Group Plc - Contains information about sipps and ssas pension schemes. - http://www.suffolklife.co.uk/
Retirement Planning from About.com - Timely, relevant articles and links to help you wade through the complexities of retirement planning. - http://retireplan.about.com/index.htm
Annuity.net - Compare and request applications on fixed and cd-type annuity products. - http://www.annuity.net/
Staffordshire Financial Services - Offer retirement planning schemes, help and advice in investing for retirement. - http://www.staffordshirefinancialservices.co.uk/
Beneco Inc. - Prevailing wage, pension, 401(k), and fringe benefit plans. - http://www.benecoinc.com/
Retire On Your Terms - Retirement education from the National Association of Variable Annuities. - http://www.retireonyourterms.com/default.asp
Retirement System Group - Full-service benefit plan specialist providing investment management, plan design and administration, actuarial, and participant accounting to qualified and non-qualified plans. - http://www.rsgroup.com
The Logan Group - A security and insurance firm specializing in retirement planning. - http://www.logangrp.com/
Mathisen Financial, Inc. - Retirement planning, insurance options, mutual funds and tax strategies for the long-term investor. - http://www.mathisen.ca
Charles Schwab - Financial retirement planning and investments with mutual funds and stock services. - http://www.schwab-online.com/retirement/
The Retirement InCome Trust - Help secure your child or grandchild's retirement thanks to this new retirement planning tool. - http://www.ricetrust.com/
ICMA Retirement Corporation VantageLink - An independent, non-profit provider of integrated retirement and investment advisory services for government organizations. - http://www.icmarc.org/
QS Independent - UK-based Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) specialising in investment and retirement planning. - http://www.qsindependent.com
The Retire Early - Online magazine with free retirement planning software. - http://www.retireearlyhomepage.com/
ez401k.com - Plan set up, reporting, deposits and withdrawls are automated. - http://www.ez401k.com
Bancnorth Investment Planning - Offers retirement planning strategies for investing in mutual funds, stock quotes, stock charts, financial news and calculators. - http://www.bancnorthinvestmentplanning.com/
Hutto Dean and Co., Inc - Specializes in retirement plans only available to educators and some non-profit organizations. - http://www.huttodean.com/
Direct Advice - Objective financial advice to help you in planning a personalized investment strategy for retirement. - http://www.directadvice.com/
Lara, Shull and May - Provides wealth and financial planning. Includes online account access and calculators. - http://www.larashullmay.com
Banwell Financial Inc. - Offer financial, investment, estate, tax and retirement planning services. - http://banwellfinancial.com/
Entrust Administration Inc. - We handle the record keeping and government reporting requirements for truly self-directed IRAs and Qualified Plans. - http://www.entrustadmin.com
The Bryant Group - Management discuss investment clubs and pension plans. - http://www.bryantgroup.com/
Brian Carruthers and Associates - Retirement planning specialists. Headquartered in Orange County, California. - http://www.gobcafunds.com/
PenD'Calc - Software designed for financial advisors whose business is to help clients plan their retirement and preserve their estate. - http://www.pendcalc.com
Annuity Advantage - Immediate and deferred annuity quotes. Library of annuity and retirement articles. - http://www.annuityadvantage.com/
Chifley Financial Services Ltd - Retirement planning, investment in managed funds and other services. - http://www.chifley.com
Randy Redley and Associaties - Specializes in helping people to receive higher retirement income by using a variety of low-risk, high-interest, tax-deferred products. - http://www.randyredley.com/
Investec Advisory Group - Providing information and consulting services for 401(k) plan sponsors and their executives. Information on principals and services offered. - http://www.investec.us/
Frank M. Semeraro - Offers retirement and financial planning, life and health insurance services. - http://www.fsemeraro.com/
Retirement Plan Rollovers - Well rounded retirement planning information and links to respected Wall Street firms. - http://www.retire-plan-rollover.com
Capital Consulting Ltd. - Offering life insurance, annuities, investments products and services to individuals and businesses in Ireland. - http://www.capitalconsulting.ie/
Sterling Trust Company - Self-directed individual retirement accounts, qualified business retirement plans, personal custodial accounts and corporate trust and escrow arrangements. Details of services and account access. - http://www.sterling-trust.com/
WisePlanning.com - Offering financial planning, insurance, investing, tax-advantaged plans, retirement planning, home mortgages and debt elimination plans. - http://www.wiseplanning.com/
FreeERISA.com - Free and unlimited access to current retirement and pension benefit information. - http://www.freeerisa.com
Annuities from AccuQuote - AccuQuote compares annuities yielding high interest rates and guaranteed lifetime incomes. - http://www.annuitysite.com