AJL Global Pty Ltd - Provides business consultancy services to Australian and Chinese Business people to assist with their import/export endeavours. - http://www.ajlglobal.com/
Orientis - Offers consultations, and trade services related to China and other Southeast Asian countries. - http://www.orientis.eu/
TBR Consulting AB - Export import marketing consultants. Assists with distributor search agents, market research, marketing plans, business start up and company registrations worldwide. - http://www.tbrconsulting.se/
Beth Peterson Enterprises, Inc. - Providing global trade strategy and technology assessment, security standards and implementation, and audit services. - http://www.bethpetersonenterprises.com/
International Trade Team Partners - Offers practical advice and assistance for UK companies to identify and successfully export to overseas markets, including accessing export grants and loans. - http://www.ittpartners.com/
Far East Outsourcing & Subcontracting Services - Assisting European companies seeking import/export and outsourcing opportunities in China and vice versa. Also provides quality control and logistic support, and mediation in conflict situations. - http://www.feoss.com/
GrowthPhase Europe - A full service Pan-European consulting firm specializing in software and high tech industries. - http://www.gpeurope.com/
K.E. International - A management trading and consulting company that facilitates the export of U.S. products into foreign markets. - http://ke-international.com/
Bi-National Transportation Center - An International business consultants and process agents specializing in commerce between the United States and Mexico. - http://binationaltrans.com/
Tradesur, Inc. - Focused on exporting American-made construction equipment and electrical power systems components to emerging markets. - http://www.tradesurinc.com/
Crayon Consulting Inc. - An import product development and consulting firm dedicated to creating and sourcing innovative and unique products overseas. - http://www.crayoninc.com/
China Confidential - Australian consultancy that finds, qualifies and manages Chinese suppliers to cut costs and reduce risk for manufacturers dealing with China. - http://www.chinaconfidential.com.au/
Kemarra, Inc. - International business development consultancy based in Silicon Valley, helping foreign life sciences and high tech companies to get partners and customers in the US, and helping US companies expand overseas aided by our partners abroad - http://www.kemarra.com/
Exportaid - Providing assistance for UK exporters, offering a range of services from market studies and strategy formulation to more hands-on operational help. - http://www.exportaid.co.uk/
AxamTrade - Provides sales, marketing, and management expertise to emerging global companies in their quest to bring quality products and services to market. - http://www.axamtrade.com/
Hollando Trading Consultancy - Specializes in the promotion, export, marketing and distribution of exclusive products. - http://www.hollando.net/
Cordde Associates - A UK based export consultancy specialising in medical care products. Direct contacts to distributers in many countries including the Middle East, Europe, Africa and America. - http://www.cordde.com/
ChinaTrade2USA - Offer consulting services to American companies to either enter the China market or import product from China. - http://www.chinatrade2usa.com/
Informed Enterprises - Japanese trade, negotiation and financial experts ready to assist foreign companies in establishing and maintaining successful business relationships with Japanese companies. - http://www.informed.com.au/
Dr. Baumer Consultants - Offers market entry Germany, business development and sales services with focus on high-tech. - http://www.drbc.de/
Circinus, Ltd. - Specializing in U.S. customs compliance and export control regulations. Licensed U.S. customs broker. - http://www.circinusltd.com/
CVCorporation - Management consulting firm helping European companies enter the United States market. - http://www.cvcorporation.com/
D.K. Chatterji - Provides consultancy for import and export related matters. Ship and metal scrap agent. - http://www.dkchatterji.com/
IBA Co. - Indian company specialized in import and export, consulting, and commercial services, thereby providing platform for businessmen, professionals, and decision-makers to create business opportunities. - http://iba-co.com/
US-China-Solutions.com - Offers business solutions to the importer, exporter and investigating firm needing to secure their products or establish a foothold in China. - http://www.us-china-solutions.com/
Macfarlane International Business Services - Export consulting, international business placement, partnerships, translation and multi-language call center facilities. Based in Germany. - http://www.macfarlane.de/
OmniTrade - Provides access to international sourcing. - http://www.usaomnitrade.com/
QT Consult - A consultancy specialising in the environmental, import, export, personal protection and waste management industries. - http://www.qt-consult.com
Export 4 All - Export consultancy (located in the Netherlands)which supports small and medium sized companies when starting up or intensifying their exporting activities. - http://www.export4all.com
Wellkang Consultant (Stockholm) - EU company information service (e.g. company profile). CE marking for non-EU products; authorized representative in EU for non-EU class I medical devices. EU trademark registration. - http://www.wellkang.com
Aydon Consultants - Multi-lingual company specialising in international business development, assisting companies to expand or create export and import opportunities. - http://www.aydon-consultants.com/
Runckel and Associates - A specialist in researching the bona-fides, credit worthiness and business history of companies based in Southeast Asia. - http://www.business-in-asia.com/
Japan Bridging Services - Offering Japan market expertise both in the private and government environments. - http://www.salinks.co.jp/JAPAN.htm
TARA International - Consultants in world trade law and international trade, customs, and export control regulations (UK, US, European). Located in Richmond, Surrey, England. - http://www.customsadvisor.co.uk/
HCI International Marketing and Export Consultants - Foreign trade consultants with decades of hands-on experience in international markets to provide the export assistance and expertise you need. - http://www.hciexport.com/
Intraka Export Service - German based export company and offering service mainly to companies in the Near and Middle East region. - http://www.intraka.de
Bell Davies Customs - An independent firm of customs duty and VAT consultants. - http://www.belldavies.com/
Dorea International - International trade consultants specializing in importing into the U.S. - http://www.dorea.com/
Minster International Business Development Ltd - Consultancy assisting companies trading from the UK or wishing to export the UK. Expertise in the petrochemical industry and transport. - http://www.mibd.co.uk
International Marketing Services, Inc. (IMS) - Export and import consulting, marketing support, market research, business discovery, financing assistance, and facilitation of joint ventures since 1986 to companies seeking export sales expansion in Russia, Europe and North America. - http://www.consultims.com
Steck Promotion - German consulting firm offering business offices and services in Europe, North America and especially Latin American. - http://www.steckprom.de