Empowered by Barter - Learn how to trade services and products successfully and find a trade exchange near your business. - http://www.empoweredbarter.com/
The Barter Blog - A barter blog. - http://www.barter-blog.com
Tradeof.Com - Trade your skills online swap time and barter.Trading community of skills and knowledge. - http://www.tradeof.com
LicenseBarter - LicenseBarter is an online bartering place for export / import licenses. DEPB / DRC are the types of licesnes that is traded the most. - http://www.licensebarter.com
Executive One, Alaska - Alaska's Oldest and Largest B2B exchange. EOA helps you trade your products or services for things you need. - http://www.executiveonealaska.com
U-Exchange.com - Barter goods and services with other businesses local or worldwide. - http://www.u-exchange.com/
Southern Barter Exchange - Barter exchange in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. - http://www.southernbarter.com/
Barter New England - Barter exchange in Milford, Connecticut, USA. - http://www.barternewengland.com
The Intagio Group, Inc - Facilitates the exchange of products and services between businesses. - http://www.intagio.com
ICON International - Finance company engaged in corporate barter and other financial transactions. - http://www.icon-intl.com/
Barter Company - Barter exchange in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. - http://www.barterco.com/
Illinois Trade Association - Part of a network of bartering trade exchanges. Includes trading tips and articles. - http://www.itatrade.com
scripXchange - Buy, sell or trade almost any established private, business or government sanctioned scrip or currency in the world. - http://www.scripxchange.com
BarterXchange - Trade exchange center in Singapore offering a neutral platform for traders to trade with one another. - http://www.barterxchange.com/
The Business Exchange - TBEx - Barter system for business and individual accounts located in Scotland. - http://www.tbex.com
Continental Trade Exchange - Bartering network provides access to a variety of goods and services, including printing, advertising, travel and restaurants. - http://www.ctebarter.com/
Alliance Barter - Barter exchange in Rochester, New York, USA & Concord, Ontario, Canada. - http://www.alliancebarter.com/
Trade Exchange Canada - Canadian trade exchange with access to over 100,000 trading businesses worldwide. - http://www.tradeexchangecanada.com
Texas Barter Exchange - Barter exchange in Aubrey, Texas, USA. - http://www.texasbarter.com/
Tradebank - A full-service barter exchange promoting a wide range of products and services through the opportunity to barter. - http://www.tradebank.com
Barter Consultants International - Network with members who trade using trade dollars to swap for services and products. - http://www.barterconsultants.com
XtraBarter Inc. - Corporate Barter in Mexico, USA and the Caribbean Islands. More than 40 years experience. - http://www.xtrabarter.com/
Barter It Online - An e-marketplace where businesses and entrepreneurs barter skills, products, and services worldwide, using a common e-dollar currency. - http://www.barteritonline.com/
ITEX - Barter exchange and cashless marketplace for businesses. - http://www.itex.com/
Reciprocal Results Inc. - R2 - Moves excess, surplus, obsolete and problem inventories in exchange for media time and space, merchandise or other services. - http://www.r2trade.com
BarterNews - Reciprocal trade industry journal and magazine written by industry practitioners. - http://www.barternews.com/