Modimac Division of Herceg Nova Ltd. - MODIMAC is an engineering firm located in Brampton, Ontario specializing in occupational Health and Safety issues, pre-start reviews, industrial machine design, modifications and upgrades, and robotics repair, set-ups and training -
Safety by Design - Engineers and architects specializing in health and safety issues. -
Safety Engineering Services UK Ltd. - Specialist in safety management, hazard analysis, and risk assessment for avionics and naval industries. -
Chilworth Technology Group - Worldwide experts in process safety providing laboratory testing, hazard assessments, preventive measures, incident reports, and training. The group specializes in dust explosion, electrostatic causes, thermal runaway, chemical reactions, and transport o -
Webb, Murray & Associates, Inc. - Fire protection and safety specialists providing consulting and engineering services to process industries, such as chemical, petrochemical, and rafining. -
International Fire Safety Engineering & Technology - Engineers specializing in building fire protection involving fire scenario simulation, risk assessment, structural calculation and design, safety audit, smoke and heat detection, sprinkler and ventilation design, and evacuation planning and management. -
Weinstein Associates - A group of attorneys and engineers specializing in legal aspects of product safety, such as hazard analysis, risk assessment, safety labeling, instruction manuals, liability loss control, and CE marking. -