Leak Testing Specialists - Offers leak testing, consulting and training services for industrial businesses and utilities and personnel. Mission statement and staff profiles. - http://www.leaktestingspec.com/
Anko Electronics Inc. - Professional metrology organization providing calibration that are NIST traceable. - http://www.ankoelectronics.com/
Western Canada Testing Inc. - Industrial testing facility that provides manufacturers with advanced product development and physical testing services. - http://www.westest.ca/
Precision Calibration Services, Inc. - Provides sales, service, calibration, repairs, and parts of various measuring equipment. - http://www.precisioncalibration.com
IN-CAL Co. - Provides ISO and ANSI compliant calibration services at your site or in our lab. - http://www.in-cal.com
Brotech Electronics - Provides global testing services to companies needing regulatory marks on their products, such as CE Mark, FCC, UL, TUVR, ETL, NRTL - http://www.brotechelectronics.com/
Chomerics Test Services - Offers EMC testing, radiation testing, safety testing and design services. - http://www.chomericstest.com
Alliance Technologies, LLC. - Offers contract analytical testing services for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, for litigation support, and in corrosion failure analyses. - http://www.alliancetechgroup.com/
Timco - Offers EMC testing, equipment certification, emissions testing, CE mark testing and is accredited by A2LA. - http://www.timcoengr.com
Canadian Instrumentation Services Group - Certified calibration laboratory offering calibration services to assist companies with ISO 9000 requirements. - http://www.cisg.net
Accuserve - Calibration laboratory providing calibration services and accrediation information for test equipment. - http://www.accuserve-inc.com
Testing and Certification Australia - Commercial testing laboratories. Includes information on testing and product compliance. - http://www.tcaust.com/
NANMAC Corporation - In the field of temperature measurement and control in both industrial and research applications; includes technical articles, ordering information, and list of products and services. - http://www.nanmac.com/
DDL Inc. - Engineering services include package testing and validation, material and product testing, hazmat certification and consulting. Offers pricing and terms. - http://www.testedandproven.com
K & D Company - Electron beam welding and helium leak testing. - http://www.kd-weld.com/
ATT Services - Providing on-site inspection services, monitoring, evaluation testing, as well as training. - http://www.attinfrared.com
QC Inspection Services, Inc. - Providing complete dimensional inspection and contract quality/manufacturing related staffing services. - http://www.qcinspect.com
T1 Know How - Information about T1 testing and troubleshooting. - http://www.t1knowhow.com
AQT Extraction Systems - Installation, service, and Coshh inspection of vehicle exhaust, dust, and weld fume extraction systems. - http://www.aqt.5u.com/
Permian Basin Metallurgical Laboratories - Offers a complete range of metallurgical testing services, including failure analysis, load certification, and expert witness services. - http://www.pbmetlab.com/
Graftel, Inc. - Engineering firm providing support, instrumentation and calibration services. Includes technical information, services and contacts. - http://www.calibrationlabs.com/
Collaborative Testing Services - Information about company, catalogue, usage agreement, subscription and contacts. - http://www.collaborativetesting.com/
Material Interface, Inc. - Provides surface analysis techniques such as Auger, XPS, and microscopy. - http://www.materialinterface.com/
Xray Now - Provides support for Seiko and Veeco XRF machines. - http://www.xraynow.com/
J and M Instrument Service - N.I.S.T. traceable calibration services and repairs for most types of industrial instrumentation. - http://www.jminstrumentservice.com
Gage Services - Full Service Gage Repair, Calibration and Certification. ISO 9002 Certified with Guide 25 Compliance. - http://www.gageservices.com/