Noll Associates - Conflict management firm, located in Auberry, California, providing services to high technology industry sectors. -
Jane R. Wilkinson - Provides labor and employment arbitration and mediation services. -
Addressing Workplace Aggression - Offers training programs from David K. Cutler, an independent consultant. Programs address aggression in the workplace, conflict prevention and conflict intervention. -
Resolutions Inc. - Provides mediation, facilitation, training and workshops and construction partnering. Overview of services, biography and contact information. -
Helen Crawford - Problems at work - an independent advisory service specifically for dealing with work related issues. -
Olive Branch Solutions - Resolving disputes through mediation has proven to be an extremely cost efficient method of making peace with others -
Access Resources Judith Cohen - Workplace mediation and training, specializing in disability issues. Training in conflict management and dispute resolution, disability awareness, and ADA. -
Business Mediation Associates - Business Mediation Associates is a group of interdisciplinary professionals whose purpose is to help business partners and owners prevent and resolve conflicts in a collaborative and non-adversarial way. -
Employment Law Consulting Group, LLC - Human Resource Consulting Services prevents workplace and employment-related problems from disrupting business activities; ELCG's continuing objective is to bring value to our client's bottom line. -
Centre for Conflict Resolution International - Services to prevent and resolve workplace conflict, including mediation, negotiation, training, organizational assessments, and interactive quizzes and surveys. -
CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution - Engaged in an integrated agenda of research and development, education, advocacy and dispute resolution, with the goal of installing ADR into the mainstream. -
Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc. - Offering training in the safe management of disruptive and assaultive behavior, as well as other topics. -
Michael H. Smith, Ph.D. - Helps companies manage conflict, diffuse potentially damaging situations, and improve productivity through consulting, training, and coaching. -
KCR Communications - Offers workshops in project management, negotiation skills, and conflict management. -
Resolute Systems, Inc. - Helping small and large businesses prevent and resolve employment disputes. -
Conflict Training for Healthcare Professionals - Dr. Judith Briles site provides information on her work as an expert on conflict and sabotage in female dominated workplaces. -
Interfacet - Provide training for management and staff on discrimination, cultural and gender issues. -
Resources For Employer-Employees - Helps employer and employee resolve workplace problems. Help is available for issues relating to sexual harassment, employee motivation, communication, procrastination, law suits, and labor business news is provided. -
Dana Mediation Institute - Kansas based trainers, consultants, speakers, and other experts for mediation and management of conflicts in the workplace. -
Dramatic Solutions - US based company offering on-site dramtic presentations as business training in areas including diversity, conflict resolution and sexual harassment. -