Voxel-ManTempoSurg - A computer-driven simulator for training and demonstrating ear, nose and throat surgery. Features images and movie clips of the product. - http://voxel-man.de/
GPI Anatomicals - Educational tools for medical practitioners and pharmaceutical companies. - http://www.gpianatomicals.com/
The Doe Report - Library of medical demonstrative evidence for attorneys, containing thousands of exhibits, illustrations, anatomical models, and medical research. - http://www.doereport.com/
Anatomical Chart Company - Designs and produces anatomical charts, skeletons and models of human body systems as well as gifts and promotional items with an anatomical theme. - http://anatomical.com/
Armstrong Medical Industries - Supplier of medical carts, CPR manikins, medical education manikins and equipment for emergency, anesthesia, hospitals, EMS, and education. - http://www.armstrongmedical.com/
Zahourek Systems, Inc. - Provides anatomy learning tools, skeletal models, and workshops constructing human anatomy in clay. - http://www.anatomyinclay.com/
VATA, Inc. - Offers vascular access training equipment and models. Includes product list, frequently asked questions, and services. - http://www.vatainc.com/
Simuplast - Manufacturers of anatomical models, simulators and laboratory materials. - http://www.simuplast.com/
Sawbones - Developers of orthopaedic and medical models and related products designed for a variety of uses including surgical practice and training, patient demonstration, and product promotion. - http://www.sawbones.com/
Medical Replicas - Products that replicates hip and knee replacement orthopaedic surgery. - http://www.medical-replicas.com/
IngMar Medical - Lung models and breathing simulators for respiratory care instruction and respiratory device research and development. - http://www.ingmarmed.com
Holt Anatomical - Manufacturer of human, botanical, and zoological models. - http://www.holtanatomical.com/
Gaumard - Manufacturer and supplier of simulators and models for health care educators. - http://www.gaumard.com/
Dynamic Demo - Supplier of anatomical models, demonstration devices, medical models, custom models, and other medical simulators. - http://www.dynamicdemo.net/
3B Scientific - Manufacturer of anatomical and biological teaching aids, models and software. - http://www.3bscientific.com/
Candent - Manufacturers of anatomical and dental models and charts for educational and professional purposes. - http://www.candent.net/