Oya Consulting - Provides healthcare executive, physician leadership, and physician entrepreneur coaching; site includes links to publications, teleconferences, speaking services. - http://www.oyaconsulting.com/
Organization for Hospital Excellence - Offers services and tools to improve hospital operations through alignment of people, infrastructure and processes to performance goals; programs include the Healthcare Organizational Topograph Assessment tool. - http://www.hospitalexcellence.org/ohe/index.jsp
Optometry Practice Management & Consulting - Provides management support to individuals and organizations; services include ophthalmic practices for sale, brokerage services for buyers or sellers, partner buy-ins and mergers, plus consulting, appraisals and assistance with practice acquisition loans - http://www.practiceconcepts.com
Oncology Management Consulting Group - Provides consulting and operational oncology mananagement support to health care providers; services include billing and coding review, financial assessment, mentoring, leadership training, interim management services, and educational programs. - http://oncologymgmt.com
Ofstead Insights - Provides support in clinical and marketing communications to healthcare organizations; services include expert analysis, research, customized seminars, and relevant publications. - http://www.ofsteadinsights.com
Orton - Evaluates feasibility of technological applications for rehabilitation medicine; site includes links to relevant research resources. - http://www.orton.fi/
Optimal Insights - Assists health care organizations in the utilization of networking technology to deliver services by sending medical information securely over the Internet. - http://www.optimalinsights.com/
Oxford Health Consulting - Specializes in applying research evidence to health practice. - http://www.oxfordhealth.co.uk/
OB-GYN Consulting - Consulting services for physicians, pharmaceutical organizations, and medical device companies. Programs include advice on clinical trials, expert trial testimony and malpractice claims review, practice management, and business consultation. - http://www.obgynconsulting.com
Operating Room Management Consultants - Provides operational management, program development, utilization analysis, and staffing support to reduce operating room costs and increase productivity. - http://www.operatingroomconsultant.com/
O'Connor Health Care Consulting - Offers health care consulting, marketing communications and policy analysis services to healthcare industry, insurance and consumer advocacy clients. - http://www.oconnorhealthanalyst.com/
OcchNet Ltd. - Assists occupational health, safety, and hygiene providers implement practical health & safety solutions, reduce risk, and improve compliance. - http://www.ldb.co.uk/healthandsafety.htm