HP Brokers - Bolivian insurance and reinsurance broker - http://www.hpbrokers.com.bo/
Timmons Reinsurance Solutions, Inc. - Pennsylvania-based reinsurance intermediary providing reinsurance solutions to regional insurance companies. - http://timmonsre.com
Re-Solutions Intermediaries - US reinsurance intermediary dedicated to providing intermediary and other services to the insurance, reinsurance and managed healthcare community. - http://www.re-solutions.net/
Montgomery Moore RE - Reinsurance broker with specialty reinsurance solutions. Specializes in BBB policies, political risk and risk transfer alternatives. - http://www.montgomerymoore.com
Access Reinsurance - Independent global reinsurance intermediary that specializes in index-based reinsurance products, alternative risk solutions and traditional retrocession products. - http://www.accessre.com
A&H Intermediaries - A full service reinsurance intermediary-broker and consultant specializing in life, accident and health coverage. - http://www.ahintermediaries.com
Kansas City Life Insurance Company - Offers a variety of individual life insurance and annuity products, group life insurance and small life reinsurance. (Nasdaq: KCLI). - http://www.kclife.com/
Willis Re - Global reinsurance broker, with locations worldwide. - http://www.willisre.com
Compass Management International - a Zurich-based underwriting agency and provider of risk solutions and insurance services. - http://www.cmil.co.uk
Heath Lambert - Europe's largest independent insurance and reinsurance broker - for commercial and industrial enterprises. - http://www.heathlambert.com
JLT Risk Solutions Ltd. - International professional services firm specialising in risk and insurance and employee benefits. - http://www.jltgroup.com
Aon Re - Leading global reinsurance intermediary, with offices in over 40 countries around the world. - http://www.aon.com
The BMS Group - Provides insurance and reinsurance services to clients in the UK, continental Europe, North America, and other parts of the world. - http://www.bmsgroup.co.uk
Evergreen Re - A national managed care stop loss and reinsurance specialist. A reinsurance manager and broker that provides services to health care providers, HMO's, and self-funded employer plans. - http://www.evergreenre.com
SRI Re - Specializes in the design, development and implementation of health and accident reinsurance programs for emerging insurance markets worldwide and domestic insurance carriers in the United States. - http://www.srire.com/
FILCO - Fiduciary Intermediary LTD - Reinsurance and group benefits package provider for insurance agents and brokers. - http://www.filco.net
Churchill Financial Management Inc. - Churchill Financial Management Inc. is a management company offering and providing quality insurance, reinsurance and financial services and solutions to its clientele worldwide. - http://www.churchill-financial.com
John B. Collins Associates - Creative reinsurance brokerage for agriculture/crop, life a&h and property/casualty lines. - http://www.jbcollins.com
U.S. RE Companies - Provides reinsurance and wholesale brokerage services, consulting and arrangement of alternative risk financing and securitization, underwriting management, and captive insurance facilitation. - http://www.usre.com/
Union Sime Darby (Thailand) Limited - International insurance and reinsurance broker and risk management firm, located in Bangkok. - http://www.unionsimedarby.com
Petrochemical Insurance and Reinsurance - A Houston (TX)-based commercial retail insurance and reinsurance broker specializing in coverage for energy and other heavy industries. - http://www.pcigi.com/index.html
Marine & Aviation - One of the oldest brokerage firms in Italy and one of the select few with direct access to Lloyd's of London - http://www.marineaviation.com/
J. K. Buckenham Ltd - Insurance and reinsurance brokers at Lloyd's of London. - http://www.jkb.co.uk
Benfield Group - Provides reinsurance and risk advisory services to a global customer base, as well as risk and peril modelling, and natural hazards research. - http://www.benfieldgroup.com/
Guy Carpenter and Company - The reinsurance arm of Marsh & McLennan Companies. A global reinsurance intermediary. Includes an extensive glossary and selected links. - http://www.guycarp.com/
Summit Reinsurance Services, Inc. - Provides a full-service managing general underwriter and reinsurance intermediary broker who focuses exclusively on managed care. We help clients analyze, manage and transfer risk to protect their financial stability. - http://www.summit-re.com
PWS Holdings plc - Leading, independent, specialist reinsurance brokers. Lists Company profiel, broking terms and worldwide offices. - http://www.pwsint.com
First Reinsurance Brokers (FirstRe) - A Kenyan firm whose services include treaty and facultative reinsurance broking, risk and capacity consultancy, portfolio administration, and coordination of reinsurance coverage, both domestically and in other markets. - http://www.firstre.com