National Association of Surety Bond Producers - NASBP professionals specialize in providing surety bonds for construction and other commercial purposes to companies and individuals needing the assurance offered by surety bonds. -
International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics - Also known as The Geneva Association. It researches the growing economic importance of world-wide insurance activities. Site includes research papers, events, and links. -
USA - New York - Federation of New York Insurance Professionals - Organization of several associations of insurance professionals from various areas throughout the state. Member associations represent a cross section of insurance and related industries. -
United Kingdom - The Association Of British Insurers (ABI) - Trade association for the UK's insurance industry, representing around 400 companies. Site includes insurance overview for the UK, organisation activities, issues, news, and consumer information. -
Danish Insurance Association - Site offers a lot of English content, including a detailed overview of the insurance market in Denmark, statistics, and the Association's annual report. [Danish, English] -
Africa - MicroInsurance Centre - Created by MicroSave-Africa to promote and provide resources for associations between insurance carriers and microfinance institutions (MFIs). Such associations are able to offer insurance in the developing nations of Africa. -
France - Fédération Française des Sociétés d'Assurances - Professional organization of the French insurance industry. Offers news, publications, market structure and results, member list, and subscriber directories. [several documents available in English] -