Aktia Savings Bank plc - Local retail bank operating as an authorised securities broker. - http://www.aktia.com/
Sampo Group - A full-service financial group, providing financial, investment and insurance services. - http://www.sampo.fi/english/
OKOBank - The OKOBank Group comprises 247 cooperative member banks. They maintain a nationwide service network and have an aggregate market share of 30 per cent. OKOBank is the statutory central institution of the Group. It is a cooperative which is owned by the - http://www.osuuspankki.fi/oko/default.asp?kieli=3
Nordea - An international banking group. Operates in 21 countries including Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, where has full service banks with nationwide branch networks. - http://www.nordea.com/eng/
Bank of Finland - The Finnish central bank. - http://www.bof.fi/