Sound Measurement Labo - Software and clips to demonstrate how to measure noise using your own computer with a number of concrete examples. -
LMS International - Provides the testing systems, multidisciplinary virtual prototyping software, engineering services and collaborative engineering tools. -
INSUL Sound Insulation Prediction Software - A program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, ceilings and windows. Website describes theoretical background for the estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC). -
Navcon Engineering Network - Acoustical Software - Distributor for SoundPLAN - 3D noise propagation software - road, railroad, industrial, construction, amusement park noise modeling -
SoundPLAN Software - A modeling and presentation tool, that allow the user to visualize the effects of noise propagation throughout plants, factories, theme parks or along road and railroad lines. -
Vibrant Technology Inc. - Develop post-test 32 bit windows tools that visualize, analyze and document the static, dynamic and acoustic behavior of machinery and structures. -
Vold Solutions, Inc - Provide software solutions for the analysis of noise and vibration in rotating and reciprocating machinery. -
Catt - Software for room acoustics prediction, auralization and studio sterio and surround reverberation. Software downloads, conference papers and a distributors listing. -
VibroTek, Inc. - Development and support of complete software systems for condition monitoring, automatic diagnostics and long term forecast of the machine condition and rotor balancing. Russia. -