David Jeffrey Ljung Madison - Verification Engineer Resume   - Madison, David Jeffrey Ljung - San Francisco, CA USA Verification Engineer / Software Writer. CPU Verification and Debug (Transmeta, MIPs) verilog, Unix, programming, (perl, scheme, C++, Lisp, Basic, Fortran, Ruby, Python, sed, yacc, sh, ksh, zsh, csh, t - http://daveola.com/Resume/ 
Frenette, Kevin   - Portsmouth, New Hampshire hardware design engineer. FPGA, analog, high speed digital, networking, simulation/verification, PCB layout, hardware debug, ViewLogic/WVOffice, Mentor Graphics, Synplify/Synplicity, VCS Verilog Simulator, Xilinx ISE Foundation, - http://home.comcast.net/~kfrenette/frenette/resume.html 
Kaur, Jasmeet   - New Delhi, India EE. New Graduate, C.C.S. University, Meerut, India and University of Glasgow. UK. Class Project: Fiat Brava Inverter and power steering. qualifications, work experience, skills, strengths, personal, hobbies of jasmeet kaur (electrical - http://resumes.hotjobs.com/jasmeetka1/cv 
Seymour, Christopher   - Gloucestershire, UK, EE. Electronics. telecommunications, high speed digital, Microprocessor, Mentor Graphics CAD, EPLD, FPGA, VHDL, ABEL. - http://users.breathe.com/chris.seymour/CV.htm 
Davis, Rob   - Seattle, WA USA PE / EE / SE Ph.D. Hardware, Software, Real-Time, Medical, Avionics, Management, Ada, C, C++, HTML, LabView, Microcomputer, Validation, Test. - http://www.robdavispe.com 
Roe, Tom   - Grandville, MI USA MSEE. Embedded Electronics, Software Development, DSP, VHDL, High speed digital design, Board layout, Communications electronics, Analog circuit design, Real time C/C++, Assembler. Engineer ing employment as contact engineer or - http://www.roetek.com 