JAC-Music - Provides information about electron tubes products, support, distributor adresses, datasheets and sells tubes parts. - http://www.jacmusic.com/
D.Klimo - Manufacturer of a variety of high end tubes. Germany. - http://www.dklimo.de/
Hot Glass Audio - Repair, modification and restoration of vintage, vacuum tube audio equipment such as tube amplifier. - http://hotglassaudio.com
MagneQuest - Makes tube audio transformers such as air-gapped and parallel feed single-ended transformers. - http://www.magnequest.com/
JJ Electronic - Manufacturers of tubes, capacitors for high-end audio amplifiers. Base in Slovak republic and Canada. - http://www.jj-electronic.sk/
M.V.S.Z AO Svetlana - Manufacturers of high end electron tubes Svetlana 300B and Svetlana EL509-II. - http://www.svetlana-mvsz.com
Zeitmann tubes - Manufacturers of vacuum tubes such as NOS Tungsram audio tubes. - http://www.zeitmann-tubes.com/
PAEng Design - Devoted to vacuum tubes world applied to audio science. Consulting, design and engineering in audio. Power amplifiers and Hi-End products. - http://digilander.libero.it/paeng/
THL - Supplier of audio parts and DIY kits. Taiwan. - http://www.thlaudio.com/
Greenstone USA - Manufacturer and distributor of vacuum tubes and capacitors for audio, broadcast and military applications. - http://www.greenstoneusa.com
Gabriel Sound Garage - Make a 18 watt tube guitar combo amplifier. Images, blueprints, tips & tricks. - http://mamaliga.com/gabriel/
Audio Kit Mania - Distributor of tube and related products to design and build custom amplifiers and systems. - http://www.audiokitmania.com/
Variable Voltage Technology Ltd - Transformers power supplies and related equipment for audio equipment. Also EL inverters and magnetron transformers. UK. - http://www.vvttransformers.co.uk
Watford Valves - Suppliers of tested, graded and guaranteed valves to the professional music industry. UK. - http://www.watfordvalves.com/
Valvotronics - Manufacturer of high end tube audio electronics, including the Gain Ryder 3 compressor. - http://valvotronics.com/
Machmat Tube - Information about tubes. Tube datasheets, schematics, code explanation, and sales. - http://www.machmat.com/
Maxi-Test Company - Digital tube testers for matching and testing power pentode vacuum tubes used in musical equipment amplifiers. - http://maximatcher.com/
David Berning Company - Manufactures a series of vacuum tube audio amplifiers based on impedance converter that replaces the traditional audio-output transformer. Italy. - http://www.davidberning.com