EDI Academy - EDI Academy offers classes, training, knowledge transfer and guidance sessions for best practices and successful EDI implementations. Instruction is geared to seasoned EDI professionals as well as those just starting out in the industry. - http://ediacademy.com/
DataTrans Solutions - DataTrans Solutions provides a broad range of quality EDI and B2B solutions designed to enable companies to communicate business data electronically. Whether you are a small company looking for a simple web-based EDI solution or a larger corporation searc - http://www.datatrans-inc.com
STAR - The goal of the Standards for Technology in Automotive Retail (STAR) Organization is to use voluntary information technology (IT) standards as a catalyst in fulfilling the business information needs of dealers and manufacturers while reducing the time and - http://www.starstandard.org
ACEA - The European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), founded in 1991, represents the interests of the thirteen European car, truck and bus manufacturers at EU level. - http://www.acea.be/
ENX - ENX is the abbreviation for "European Network Exchange" and is the communications network of the European automotive industry. - http://www.enxo.com/lang/en/
JAMA - THE JAPAN AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION is a Tokyo-based trade association representing 14 Japanese car, truck, bus and motorcycle manufacturers. JAMA maintains offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. - http://www.japanauto.com/
SASIG - SASIG - Strategic Automotive product data Standards Industry Group - http://www.sasig.com
Microsoft + GXS = B2B Integration (B2Bi) - GXS and Microsoft have partnered to deliver innovative solutions that simplify B2B integration (B2Bi) between customers and trading partners. Through the relationship, the companies will combine their leading B2B solutions to ensure that trading partners - http://www.b2bintegration.co.uk/
EDI Basics - step-by-step guide to Electronic Data Interchange - EDI Basics is your one stop resource for learning about Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The site provides a central resource for you to be able to learn about the different aspects of implementing an EDI system within your business. - http://www.edibasics.co.uk
GXS UK - On-demand Supply Chain Management, EDI & B2B e-Commerce Solutions - GXS is a leading global provider of B2B e-commerce solutions that simplify and enhance business process integration, synchronisation and collaboration among trading partners. GXS Messaging Services provide reliable EDI services, regardless of you or your - http://www.gxs.co.uk
OFTP file transfer protocol - An overview of the OFTP file transfer protocol used as the EDI standard used by most major European Motor Manufacturers and their suppliers. - http://www.oftp.net/
GS1 UK - A not for profit organisation helping members implement GS1 standards through the use of bar codes, radio frequency identification (RFID), electronic communications and Global Data Synchronisation (GDS). - http://www.gs1uk.org/
DEDICA Project - A project funded by the European Union to research the use of PKI security with UN/EDIFACT for EDI. - http://research.ac.upc.edu/DISTR/DEDICA/
tScheme Limited - Regulates the UK's electronic trust service providers. The site contains detailed background information, and information on how to become a member or gain tScheme approval. - http://www.tscheme.org
PeSIT - PeSIT protocol is the result of efforts by the banking profession, in the framework of GSIT, to field a file transfer system. Site is in English and French. - http://www.pesit.com/US/Default.htm
Vendor Managed Inventory - Overview of how to setup and run a vendor managed inventory program. - http://www.vendormanagedinventory.com/
GS1 US - From bar codes, eCommerce, and data synchronization, to EPC/RFID, and business process automation standards, GS1 US is the trusted source to deliver innovative products, services and solutions for business’ most pressing supply chain challenges. - http://www.uc-council.org/