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New Cruise Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers yacht project development and custom design, motor and sail, from 40-160 ft. Located in Hamburg, Germany. [English and German]
- http://www.newcruise.de/

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Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans Open in a new windowLink Details
- Plans for traditional looking wooden sailing and power craft with modern performance. Australia.
- http://www.storerboatplans.com

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Andrzej Skrzat Open in a new windowLink Details
- Polish yacht designer and stylist. Offers power and sailboats for the professional and amateur markets.
- http://www.skrzat-design.pl/02yachts.html

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C. W. Paine Yacht Design Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of motor and sailing yachts. Includes design history and recent launches. Based in the USA.
- http://www.chuckpaine.com

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Jonque de Plaisance Open in a new windowLink Details
- Modern junks designs with classic Chinese aesthetics. Information on construction for amateur builders. [English/French]
- http://www.jonquedeplaisance.net

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Dragonfly Open in a new windowLink Details
- Danish trimaran designer Quorning Boats; extensive information about their range of Dragonfly boats.
- http://www.trimarans.com/

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Harryproa Open in a new windowLink Details
- Proa series designed by Rob Denney with articles on the background of his best known model, the Harryproa and an extensive FAQ on these radical boat designs.
- http://www.harryproa.com

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The rig of the future Open in a new windowLink Details
- Description of a patent concerning the use of a kite-sail to propel a boat.
- http://www.voilecerfvolant.com/

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Guy Saillard Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architect for sail and power boats, based in France. [English and French]
- http://www.saillard-guy.com/

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JB Marine Consultancy Open in a new windowLink Details
- UK based naval architecture firm specializing in small crafts and offering structural and hydrodynamic design and analysis, weight and center of gravity calculation, and stability determination via incline testing.
- http://www.jbmarine.biz/

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Philippe Briand Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Yacht designer and naval architect specializing in racing designs, mass production and custom designs.
- http://www.briand-yacht-design.com/

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Alucraft Open in a new windowLink Details
- Aluminium boat builders and designers in Henderson, Western Australia. Design and construction of aluminium vessels for pleasure or commercial purpose.
- http://www.alucraftboats.com.au/

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East Cape Marine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lists lightweight composite power catamaran designs from 7m to 30m. Located in New Zealand.
- http://www.nzboatbuilders.com

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Christian Grande & Partners Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of power yachts. Includes photos and events section. Located in Italy.
- http://www.christiangrande.com/

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Marine Design Consulting Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Describes scope of design and consulting business. Located in Russia.
- http://www.marinedcg.com

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Verme Yacht Projects Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lists company's design projects. Located in Italy.
- http://www.verme.it

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Pieter Beeldsnijder - Designers & Naval Architects Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes photo gallery and specifications of power boat designs. Located in the Netherlands.
- http://www.pieterbeeldsnijder.nl

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Damien Smith Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- An eclectic range of designs from electric picnic cruisers to power trimarans, including C Class sailing catamaran Ronstan. Based in Australia.
- http://www.damiensmithdesign.com.au

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Ploutis Yachts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design and build large motor and sailing yachts and commercial fishing vessels. Located in Greece.
- http://www.ploutis-yachts.com

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Bloomfield Innovation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in catamaran sailing and motor yachts 20 to 200 feet; developed from Crowther technology base. Stock plans available, including Crowther sailing plans. Located in Australia.
- http://bloomfieldinnovation.com

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Petit & Berthelot Open in a new windowLink Details
- Presentation of projects by Olivier Petit and Nicolas Berthelot. [French and English]
- http://www.naval-architects.com

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Kasten Marine Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialize in classic sail and motor design, custom and stock plans. Includes articles on design and boat building.
- http://www.kastenmarine.com

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Tboats Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design and produce a range of performance racing and cruising yachts for professional and amateur construction. Includes articles, newsletters and photo/video gallery. Located in New Zealand.
- http://tboat.com

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Dee Robinson Interiors Open in a new windowLink Details
- Custom interior design for luxury yachts. Includes project gallery and testimonials. Located in Florida, USA.
- http://www.deerobinson.net/home.htm

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BNJ Marine Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Aluminum boats and custom boat building (power and sail, multihulls and monohulls), welding and designs. Located in Canada.
- http://www.custom-aluminum-boats.com

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Rob Ford Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dissertation for Ford's BEng in Yacht & Powercraft Design and ideas for future designs.
- http://www.rfyacht.com/base.htm

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Marine Technologies Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Structural engineering, marine surveying, naval architecture, project management, and yacht design. [English and French]
- http://www.marinetechs.com/rubrique2.html

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Ocean Limo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs and manufactures luxury power catamarans and monohulls. Press releases, charter section, gallery.
- http://www.oceanlimo.com/

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Reichel Pugh Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architecture and yacht design for race boats and high performance cruisers. Includes news section.
- http://reichel-pugh.com

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Sophie Yachts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs and builds catamaran motor yachts. News and events, press section.
- http://www.sophieyachts.com

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Choydesign Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design of sail and power catamarans from 40 to 200 feet, including luxury and performance yachts and passenger vessels.
- http://choydesign.com

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Grivos Marine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architecture, marine engineering and consulting. High performance and other power vessels up to 120m.
- http://www.grivomarine.de

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Kvartet Open in a new windowLink Details
- Engaged in sail and power yacht and commercial ship design, and modeling. Also supply parts. [English, Russian]
- http://www.kvartet.spb.ru

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De Blanco Naval Architecture & Yachts Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialized in the design of yachts under power and sail and kayaks. Interior and exterior design, restorations projects and modifications. Based in Spain. [English, Spanish]
- http://www.navaldesigncorp.com

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Seaforth Marine Group Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offer marine design and marketing services for pleasure power craft of any size and configuration.
- http://www.seaforthmarine.com

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Cutfinger Watercraft Open in a new windowLink Details
- High speed experimental boat and propulsion design.
- http://www.cutfingerwatercraft.com

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G.L.Watson & Co. Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialize in the design of presidential and royal yachts. Offer new designs, replicas, and restoration and refit management services.
- http://www.glwatson.com

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Ankersmit Marine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialize in designs for aluminum displacement motoryachts and commercial craft. [English, Dutch, German]
- http://www.ankersmitmarine.com

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Paolo Bisol Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architect, located in France. Sailing yacht and power boat design. [English, Italian, French]
- http://www.paolobisol.com

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Thornycroft Maritime Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design and ship building of patrol boats, pilot boats, work boats, ferries, aluminum marine kits worldwide. Includes company history and milestones.
- http://www.thornycroftmaritime.com.au

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Smith Marine Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialize in powerboats for sportfishing and cruising. Includes some articles by the designer.
- http://www.smithmarinedesign.com

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Allswater Marine Consultants Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing naval architecture, marine engineering and survey services located in Canada.
- http://www.allswater.com

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Ivan Erdevicki Naval Architecture and Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- World-renowned designer for sailing and motor yachts and work boats. Includes company history, press clippings, news, and newsletters.
- http://www.ivanerdevicki.com

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3D Nav Open in a new windowLink Details
- Plans of designer Santiago Perez' boat and other designs for sail and power vessels.
- http://www.terra.es/personal8/986307044/

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David M. Cannell & Associates Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architects, consultants and surveyors of commercial vessels and private yachts.
- http://www.dmcmarine.com

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Spear Green Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architecture, marine interior design, project management and design documentation for private and commercial vessels, power and sail.
- http://www.speargreen.com.au

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Ginton Naval Architects Open in a new windowLink Details
- Naval architects specializing in large ocean-going power yachts.
- http://www.ginton.com/

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Response Marine, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialise in the design and sourcing of welded aluminum boats, both commercial and recreational.
- http://www.responsemarine.com

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Tripp Design Naval Architecture Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of racing and cruising yachts, with an emphasis on high performace. Newsletter, race results, press clippings. Company philosophy and design overview.
- http://www.trippdesign.net

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Perrotti Performance Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design of racing and cruising sailboats. Offer naval architecture and marine engineering.
- http://www.perrottidesign.com

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Guido de Groot Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Interior and exterior design for luxury motor yachts.
- http://www.guidodegroot.com

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Stimson Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs sail and power craft for racing, cruising and commercial work. Production or custom. Includes gallery and news sections.
- http://www.stimsonyachts.com

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The Wylo Yacht Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nick Skeats's design of his yacht WYLO and her sister ships. Plans available.
- http://home.iprimus.com.au/martinm13/wylo/

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Berckemeyer Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Design of modern and classic sailing yachts for professional and amateur boatbuilders.
- http://www.berckemeyer-yacht.de

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Robert H Perry Yachts Designers Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Yacht and motor boat design and consulting, specifically performance oriented cruising yachts.
- http://www.perryboat.com/

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Ken Freivokh Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of exclusive custom yachts, both monohulls and catamarans, including interiors.
- http://www.freivokh.com/

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Lidgard Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of yachts and powerboats, both monohulls and multihulls, for the home builder and professional alike. Includes sample designs, current projects, company information, and related links.
- http://www.lidgarddesign.com

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Gregory C. Marshall Naval Architect Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of production and custom luxury motor yachts in Canada. Specialize in composite engineering using vacuum infusion.
- http://www.gregmarshalldesign.com

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Rick Etsell, Naval Architect Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in steel and aluminum workboats, heavy duty yachts, and classic motoryachts.
- http://www.etsell.com/

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Elliott Marine Open in a new windowLink Details
- New Zealand designer Greg Elliott offers performance cruising and racing boats. Owners' forum, race results, news, library of boat models.
- http://www.elliott-marine.com

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Ron Given Catamaran Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designer of performance cruising and racing catamarans (sail and power) with offices in New Zealand and New Caledonia. Includes design timeline, process overview, and news.
- http://www.givencats.com

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TC Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Multihull designers of both racing and cruising yachts (power and sail) in New Zealand. Includes background on designer Tim Clissold, and news.
- http://www.tcdesign.co.nz

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Malcolm Tennant Multihull Design Limited Open in a new windowLink Details
- One of New Zealand's leading designers for multihulls, both power and sail, commercial and pleasure vessels. History, news and articles, model information including photos, brokerage.
- http://www.tennantdesign.co.nz

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Reynolds Sailing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designer and builder of fast catamarans, both custom and production. News, photos, and information on boat models, owners, pricing, the designers.
- http://reynoldssailing.com

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WB & Nod Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialize in custom yacht design, systems analysis and modifications, including disabled access upgrades.
- http://wbn-design.com/

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NorthStar Yachts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Builder of motor yachts from 74 to 105 feet. Specifications and photos of models, history, news.
- http://www.northstaryachts.com/

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Farr Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Long-standing specialists in racing yachts with their own one-design fleet. Design boats for all the major racing events worldwide.
- http://www.farrdesign.com

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John Shuttleworth Yacht Designs Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Prolific designer of catamarans and trimarans, from large racers to stock plans for cruising models. Articles on design and sailing. Based in the UK.
- http://www.john-shuttleworth.com

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Burnett Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs traditional gaff rigged cruising boats. Information on vessels, drawings, and photos. Also includes designs in collaboration with Nigel Irens.
- http://www.burnettyachtdesign.co.uk/

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Hakan Sodergren Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sail and powerboat designer. Information on company, design services, stock drawings and consultation services.
- http://www.yachtsodergren.com/

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Farrier Marine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Trimaran and catamaran sailboat designs including both production trimarans and plans for home builders.
- http://www.f-boat.com/

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Dudley Dix Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Boat designs and boat plans, with descriptions, photographs and drawings, history and prices.
- http://www.dixdesign.com/

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Daniel Skira Yacht Designs Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides custom yacht designs for wavepiercers, power work boats and yachts, and sailboats. Includes news and gallery.
- http://www.skirayachtdesign.com/

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Schionning Designs Open in a new windowLink Details
- Multihulled sailing boats made in Newcastle, Australia. Many stock designs and study plans available. Includes owners' reports.
- http://www.schionningdesigns.com.au/

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Yacht & Powercraft Design and Consultancy Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers yacht and powercraft design and consultancy services by Stuart Roy. Includes Roy's qualifications and information on tank testing, powering, stability calculations, and other design issues. Summary of services and prices.
- http://www.yacht-designer.co.uk

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Dick Zaal Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides an overview of yacht design services offered, photos, and information about completed and current projects. [English and Dutch]
- http://www.dickzaalyachtdesign.nl

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Nigel Irens Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs sailing and cruising yachts, power craft, and racing and performance multihulls. Includes photos and specifications of a sample of designs.
- http://www.nigelirens.demon.co.uk/

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RunningTideYachts, Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers multihull sail design featuring a mast-aft sailing rig and a gamefishing catamaran. Also monohull, trimaran, motorsailing, and race sailboat design.
- http://www.runningtideyachts.com

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Cantieri Sangermani Open in a new windowLink Details
- Services include design of custom motor and sail yachts, boatbuilding, restorations, and brokerage. Located in Italy. [English and Italian]
- http://www.cantierisangermani.com

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MacNaughton Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Yacht and commercial boat design and brokerage. Also sell marine publications. Offer online yacht design instruction courses.
- http://www.macnaughtongroup.com

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Brandlmayr Marine Ltd. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Consulting naval architecture firm for sail and power craft and commercial vessels, located Canada.
- http://www.brandlmayrmarine.com

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Craig Loomes Design Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designers of wave piercing power catamarans to 52 metres. Sail and power pleasure yachts and commercial vessels also undertaken. News section and gallery.
- http://cld.co.nz/

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Ceccarelli Yacht Design and Engineering Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designer of racer and cruiser sailboats and commercial and leisure motor yachts, including Italian America's Cup yachts. [English and Italian]
- http://www.ceccarelliyachtdesign.com

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Mills Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Performance yacht design for IRC, IRM and all types of racing and cruising.
- http://www.mills-design.com/

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McBride Boat Designs Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in design of fishing and marine farming vessels, as well as pleasure craft.
- http://www.mcbridedesign.co.nz

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Jutson Yacht Design Open in a new windowLink Details
- Designs custom yachts including long range power catamarans, racing maxis, and luxury performance cruising yachts. Articles and news.
- http://www.jutson.com

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