Voile Bindings - Manufacturer of classic cable bindings, the flexible plate VP-II, and release kits for telemark bindings. - http://www.voile-usa.com/telebcjump.html
TwentyTwo Designs - Makers of the HammerHead telemark ski binding. - http://www.twentytwodesigns.com
G3 Genuine Guide Gear - Makers of the G3 Targa telemark binding. - http://www.genuineguidegear.com/
Bomber Telemark - Makers of the Bomber Bishop plate binding. - http://www.bombertele.com/
Burnt Mtn. Designs - Developers of the Bulldog step-in telemark ski binding. - http://www.burntmtn.com/
Rainey Designs - Original manufacturer and designers of the HammerHead and SuperLoop telemark bindings. See TwentyTwo designs for current HammerHead sales. - http://www.raineydesigns.com/
Black Diamond Equipment - Manufacturer of the O2 telemark binding line. - http://www.bdel.com/
Linken Binding - Norwegian manufacturer of a step-in plate telemark binding. - http://www.linken.com/