The Pacific Design Center - Products include contract and residential furniture, fabrics, floor coverings, architectural items, wallcoverings, lighting, kitchen and bath products and accessories. Shown are admission requirements, showroom search, events, design services, news and co -
Michigan Design Center - Includes over 40 showrooms featuring furniture, fabrics, floorcovering, wallcovering, kitchens, tiles, lighting, floral designs, original art and accessories. Business profile, showroom list, designer information and contacts are shown. Located in Troy, -
International Market Square - Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Over 1,400 manufacturers in more than 80 showrooms offering furniture, fabrics, wallcoverings, lighting, art, accessories, antiques, kitchens and floor coverings. Admission policy, design gallery, events and -
Decoration & Design Building - Resource for contract and residential furniture, fabrics, floor coverings, architectural products, wallcoverings, lighting, kitchen and bath products and accessories. Located in New York City, New York, USA. Admission policies, location, news, events, des -