TB-Translations - Translation from Danish and English into French. Freelancer Thierry Blanc, based in Ã…rhus, Denmark. - http://tb-translations.dk
H Nilsen Statsaut - Translation from English, Swedish and Danish into Norwegian and from Norwegian into Danish. Based in Denmark. - http://www.h-nilsen.dk
One Step Translations - Translation in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. - http://one-step.dk
Benevest - Translation in Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. - http://www.benevest.dk
Annette Lind and Andreas Bonk - Translation in English, Danish and German. Based in Denmark. - http://www.abl-com.com
OnLine Translation - Translation, localisation, interpreting and editing in over 150 languages. - http://www.online-translation.dk/
Flavia Moraro Translations - Translations from English and Danish into Italian, in the technical field. - http://www.flaviamoraro.suite.dk/contactitdk.htm
eB Graphics Design - Translation from English, Swedish and Norwegian to Danish, in the computer, software and technical fields. - http://users.cybercity.dk/~dko1501/
Scandinavian Translation Team - Four Scandinavian translators, in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish. - http://www.abc-swedish-translation.co.uk/scandinavian-translation-team.htm
Textension Language Services - Translation and localisation, in English, Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, in the technical and multimedia fields. Links list, portfolio and services. - http://www.textension.com/uk_frame.htm
LinGO! Communications - True translations at reasonable prices between most of the European languages, as well as advertising- and web-related services. - http://www.lingo.dk/
Network Communications A/S - Translation agency, specialising in the four Scandinavian languages - Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish. - http://www.netcomms.dk/