Japan Intercultural Consulting - International training, coaching and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. Based in the USA with offices in Japan, Mexico and the UK. - http://www.japanintercultural.com
Intercultural Synergies - Cross Cultural Consulting, Coaching and Training: Maximizing individuals and organizations potential in global economy through cross cultural communication. Based in Switzerland. - http://interculturalsynergies.com
Shanti Consulting - Offers cross-cultural training for effective communication between India and its business partners. Based in Indianna and New Delhi. Has information on team, programs and cultural situations. - http://www.shanticonsulting.com
CultureLinks Consulting - CultureLinks Consulting helps organizations understand, manage and work effectively with their Hispanic and Latino employees. Contains about us, client list, contact and methods page, also in Spanish. Based in Florida - http://www.culturelinksco.com
Centre for Intercultural Learning - Canada's largest provider of cross-cultural training and support services for internationally-assigned personnel with country and cultural information. Site includes large library resource and information on research. - http://www.intercultures.gc.ca
Bridges Consulting Group - Enhancing organisation's effectiveness in Asia, by identifying, understanding and bridging cultural gaps. Offers high-impact cultural training for organisations working across borders. Based in Singapore. - http://www.bridgesconsultinggroup.net
Dot-Connect Cross Cultural Training - Training organization specializing in cross-cultural training, presentation training and negotiations skills coaching. Expatriate relocation training to many countries, skills for doing business in India and skills for multicultural teamworking. Based in - http://www.dot-connect.com
Managing Across Cultures: Karani Lam & Associates - Assisting organizations enhance managerial effectiveness and culture-specific knowledge in international business, including relocation training. Based in USA. - http://www.managingcultures.com/
JPB Consulting - Consultancy for Transcultural Added Value. Based in France. - http://www.jpb.net
ICPW - Intercultural Professional Workshops - Learning about intercultural training with and from fellow professionals in Europe. Workshop takes place once a year - details on web-site - please check again a month later if link does not work now. - http://www.icpw.co.uk/
Transcultural Synergy Ltd - Offers consultant services, training and coaching to corporate clients in cross-border communication. Features mission statement and details of workshops. Based in UK. - http://www.synergy-associates.com/
Swiss Consulting Group - Offers workshops and coaching by international team of management consultants. Includes profiles, case studies and list of publications. Based in USA. - http://www.swissconsultinggroup.com
European Business Award - "Best of European business" competition run by Roland Berger strategy consultants in Germany and Financial Times to highlight best practice of European companies. - http://www.best-of-european-business.com/
Esprit Global Learning - Global leadership, multicultural training, coaching, learning. Training and coaching to master multinational and multicultural work environments. Based in USA. - http://espritgloballearning.com
ExpatHouse - Training & consulting company providing cross-cultural training, multinational team building, intercultural presentation and negotiation, and expatriate support. Based in Finland. - http://www.expathouse.fi
ITIM - Training and consultancy in business culture and international management to create cultural competence, based on work of Geert Hofstede. Central office in Sweden (before Holland), world-wide franchises. - http://www.itim.org/
Diplomats without Borders - Private and business diplomacy. Non-governmental organization improving business and government relations and cooperation between rich and poor nations. Based in Switzerland. - http://www.diplomatswithoutborders.org/
YEO Management - International sales: developing business across borders. Intercultural management: developing multicultural teams, coaching expatriates. Global marketing: communication across borders. Based in Belgium. - http://www.yeo.be
Trompenaars Hampden-Turner - Consulting, training and coaching services to help leaders and professionals manage and solve business and culture dilemmas. Based in Holland. - http://www.7d-culture.nl
Meridian Eaton Global - Merger (2005) of Meridian Resources (online database and tools in intercultural communication) and Eaton Consulting Group, cross-cultural trainers. Based in USA. - http://www.meridianeaton.com/
Intercultural Systems - Cross-cultural consulting, training and executive coaching for global business, mainly in Asia and USA. Based in Singapore. - http://www.intercultural-systems.com
Culture Smart Consulting - Cross-cultural training company with holistic approach lowering anxiety levels of international assignees and families. Provides practical tools to deal with any new culture. Based in UK. - http://www.culturesmartconsulting.com
Intercultural Alliances - Interactive, customized cross-cultural training and consulting to businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Network of trainers in multiple languages. Based in USA. - http://www.interculturalalliances.com
Leadership Crossroads - International and cross-cultural management consultancy, assisting in intercultural communication, negotiation, project management, relationship and team building. Based in USA - http://leadershipcrossroads.com/
Culture Connect Global - Customized strategies for cross-cultural communications: Training and consulting for companies with multi-ethnic workforce, or experiencing change due to reorganization. Based in USA - http://cultureconnectglobal.com
Farnham Castle Intercultural Training - International business training programmes to prepare for international assignments. Includes intensive language training, intercultural skills and specific country briefings. Based in UK. - http://www.intercultural-training.co.uk/
Global Vision Strategies - Cross-cultural training, relocation, translation services and global management training for employees and executives on assignments outside US. Based in USA. - http://www.globalvisionstrategies.com
Learn About Cultures - Up-to-date and useful cross-cultural information for international business people and leisure international travelers. Based in USA. - http://www.learnaboutcultures.com
Cultural Savvy - Synergistic group of global specialists providing information, country reports, articles, tips, helpful links and resources about the Pacific Rim. Based in USA. - http://www.culturalsavvy.com/
Europublic - European resources (books, specialist speakers bureau, training) for understanding of intercultural communications and relations in Europe. Based in Brussels. - http://www.europublic.com
East Asia Business - Specialist cross-cultural advisors on Japan, Korea and China: Training and consultancy services for international companies working across the East-West cultural frontier. Based in UK. - http://www.east-asia-business.com
4C - Corporate Culture Clash and Chemistry - Strategic advice for international corporations, aligning strategies with corporate culture. Expertise in international branding and multinational teams. Based in Holland. - http://www.fourcee.nl
Rudlin Consulting - Cross-cultural communications training, market entry advice and implementation, with particular focus on information and communications technology in Japan. Based in UK. - http://www.pernillerudlin.com
Global Savvy - Cross-cultural consulting practice dedicated to making the information technology world culturally competent. Based in USA. - http://www.globalsavvy.com
To Bridge Cultures - Helping clients understand cultural preferences, business practices and communication patterns of international customers or prospects with goal of improving or expanding international markets. Based in USA. - http://www.bridgecultures.com
World Work - International management development, assessing and developing international skills, competencies and talents of individuals. Based in UK. - http://www.worldwork.biz
LTS Intercultural Training - Business and professional language and intercultural training, including trainer training certification. Publisher of 'Language and Intercultural Training Journal'. Based in UK. - http://www.lts-training.com/intrcult.html
2C International - Communicating across cultures - new concepts in training, consulting and coaching for managers, teams and professionals involved in international business. Based in UK. - http://www.twoci.com
Training Management Corporation (TMC) - Consulting, training and coaching solutions to build cultural competence and global performance of teams and entire organizations through a blended learning approach. Based in USA. - http://www.tmcorp.com
EMIC Intercultural Works - Cross-cultural training, integration and liaison services provided by professional anthropologists. Includes ethnographic market and intercultural research. Based in Japan. - http://www.emic.biz
Russian Cross-cultural Program - Russian program for training managers with representatives of various cultures working for them and for personnel managers. Based in Russia. - http://www.igisp.ru/engl/main/Crosscult.shtml
Richard Lewis Communications - Provider of training and support in cross culture and language skills development. Based in UK. - http://www.crossculture.com/
Global Excellence - Consultancy assisting organisations and individuals 'grow' their 'cultural capital' - the ability to grow successfully across cultures. Based in UK. - http://www.global-excellence.com/
Intercultural Advice Guidelines - Result of unique on-line brainstorming session in year 2000 of tips for handling intercultural differences or issues; 350 interculturalists participated on-line, sharing ideas and solutions. - http://www.thiagi.com/email-intercultural101-tips.html
Diversophy - Online game and learning tool in intercultural expertise. It tests intercultural knowledge and increases cultural competence for living and working in global environment. Based in USA and France. - http://www.diversophy.com
Project IDEELS - Diverse group of educators and researchers from 5 tertiary institutions sharing common interest: simulations and games to foster creativity of cultural diversity and address challenges facing Europe. Based in Europe. - http://www.ideels.uni-bremen.de/
SIETAR - The Society for Intercultural Education, Training And Research. International network for students and professionals provides details of regional and local groups. - http://www.sietar.org/
Intercultural Communication - International training and consulting firm assisting organizations crossing cultural borders, helping people to enhance professional effectiveness and interpersonal competence. Based in Holland. - http://www.intercultural.nl
Intercultural Insights - Active resource exchange and discussion group on intercultural and cross-cultural business, training, education, research and consulting topics. Contributions by members only, but open to public to view. - http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/interculturalinsights
Cultural and Management Consulting (CMC) - Worldwide network of consultants and trainers. Coaching international organizations to bridge cultural differences to strategic advantage. Based in Holland. - http://www.cmc-net.org
Culture Source - Bibliography of intercultural communication - in English and German. Extensive search resource on intercultural communications publications. - http://www.culture-source.de/
Trans-Cultural Relations - Provides cross-cultural training, coaching, multinational team building, intercultural negotiation workshops, and expatriate support services in Switzerland and Germany. Based in Switzerland. - http://www.transcultural.ch
InterAct International - International management consultancy specialising in cross-border communication and use of languages in Europe. Undertakes research on use of languages in business. Based in UK. - http://www.interactint.com
Delta Intercultural Academy - Online knowledge and learning community for those professionally interested or involved in intercultural business and management communication. Based in Germany. - http://dialogin.com
Nipporica - Weaving strength from differences: A cross-cultural communications consultancy and training firm promoting opportunities from diversity of global and multi-cultural society, Japan focus. Based in USA. - http://www.nipporica.com
Intercultural Press - Main publisher of trainers' books and other resources on intercultural communication, with large collection of cross-cultural training resources. Based in USA, run by Nicholas Brieley Publishing in UK. - http://interculturalpress.com/