National Trainers Federation (NTF) - Find race horse trainers in the UK by name or by county. Listing over 90% of UK race horse trainers. -
European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) - Worldwide (despite the name) trade association for manufacturers, distributors and retailers of fishing tackle and angling equipment. -
French Racing and Breeding Committee (FRBC) - Home of non-profit organization in charge of the promotion of the French thoroughbred industry abroad. 150 stallions, sales, bloodstock, horse racing events, newsletter. -
NSAA - National Ski Areas Association - Trade association for ski area owners, operators and suppliers in the United States. Analyzes and distributes ski industry statistics; produces annual conferences and trade shows; produces a bimonthly industry publication and is active in state and federa -
The Trade Association of Paddlesports - Serving the paddling industry in North America. Features sea kayaking safety guidelines, symposiums, along with resources for outfitters, retailers and manufacturers. -
Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association - Trade organization representing the manufacturers of sporting goods equipment and athletic apparel and footwear. -
Association of Play Industries - A United Kingdom trade body within the play sector that represents manufacturers, installers, designers and distributors of outdoor and indoor play equipment and safer surfacing. Guides, membership, and events are featured. -
Sport and Play Contractors' Association - SAPCA is the United Kingdom trade association for the sports facility construction industry and promotes high standards for sports facilities. Features exhibitions and events, technical guidance, industry news, and links. -
Sportsplex Operators & Developers Association - Provides education in the techniques and theories of sportsplex management and operation, along with networking with owners, directors and operators of sports facilities. Information on conference, programs and services are featured. -