DC Stock Photo - Catalog of photography of Washington, DC, grouped by subject. - http://www.dcstockphoto.com/
New York Stock Photo - Specializing in images of New York City and its surrounding areas. - http://www.newyorkstockphoto.com/
Viewfinders Stock Photography - Images from the Pacific Northwest of the United States. [Requires Flash plug-in] - http://www.viewfindersnw.com/
FogStock - Search and buy royalty free and rights protected photographs from an image library. Offering custom lightboxes and custom CDs. - http://www.fogstock.com/
Heartland Photos - Travel and nature scenes of the American Midwest. - http://www.heartlandphotos.com/
Accent Alaska Ken Graham Agency - Images of tourism, industry, nature, wildlife, and outdoor activities from the Northern United States. Also, photographs from international travel. - http://www.accentalaska.com/
Prophotos.ca - Images of nature, art, abstract, culture, business, and travel. Search, buy, and download photos online. - http://www.prophotos.ca/
Douglas Peebles Photography - People, culture, nature, and landscape of Hawaii, Tahiti, and the South Pacific Islands. Also, offering assignment work. - http://www.douglaspeebles.com/
Kieffer Nature Stock - Landscape, wildlife, lifestyle, recreation, business, and industry images for download or on CD. Specializing in Colorado and the American Southwest. - http://www.kieffernaturestock.com/
Heffernan Icons - Wide variety of images in large format. Also, video footage and prints for sale. - http://www.heffernanicons.com/
Photo Resource Hawaii - Featuring the island and the Pacific. An online database and a CD-ROM catalog are available. - http://www.photoresourcehawaii.com/
Midwestock.com - Specializing in agriculture and locations in the Midwest of the United States. Fully-searchable stock photo database and CD-ROMs for sale. - http://www.midwestock.com/
Gravityshots.com - Outdoor adventure, sports, and nature images from Northwest Montana. Search by the sport, location, or model name. Also, offering digital services. - http://gravityshots.com/
Husom and Rose Photographics - Images of Heartland America including nature, landscape, lakes, rivers, and rural areas. Royalty free photographs are available on CD-ROM. - http://www.husomandrose.com/
Jackson Hole Stock Agency - Specializing in images of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks. Categories include nature, landscape, wildlife, people, and outdoor activities. - http://www.jhstock.com/
Las Vegas PIX - Extensive coverage of the city in Nevada and the surrounding areas. - http://www.lasvegaspix.com/
Las Vegas Stock - Photographic images for the gaming and resort industry. - http://www.lasvegasstock.com/
Crystal Images - Educational, editorial, and outdoor images, primarily from the Pacific Northwest and the Western Rocky Mountains. - http://kcd.com/ci/
Alaska Stock - Fully searchable database of Alaskan outdoor lifestyles, recreation, landscapes, holiday, winter, and wildlife images. - http://www.alaskastock.com/
Seattle Photographs - Specializing in stock photography of Seattle, Washington. Hundreds of photographs in fifteen categories. - http://www.seattlephotographs.com/