Westheim, Henry - Photographer specializing in photography from Asia. Stock photos, travel, and assignment. Based in Taiwan. - http://www.westheimphoto.com/
Lacson, Erik - Portfolio of Asia travel and cultural images. Services include assignment work and stock photographs. Based in Manila, Philippines. - http://www.elacson.com/
McKaig, Chandler - Specializing in images of Asian countries. Work shown from Malaysia, Laos, Thailand, Singapore, and Nepal. Based in Seattle. - http://www.chandlermckaig.com/
Chan, Wendy - Shows her portfolio of images from Singapore, Lombok, Oman, and different Asian locations. Candid and environmental portraits are specialties. Based in Singapore. - http://www.wendychan.com/
Brock, Joe - Images of Beijing, China, including people and events. Also, presenting some studio portraits. - http://www.joebrockphotography.com/