Slagboom & Peeters Aerial Photography - Offers oblique and vertical photography services. Includes sample images and video, product list and camera information. Based in the Netherlands. [English and Dutch] -
Webb Aviation - Gallery of aerial photography in the North West of England. Aerial pictures taken to order. -
Skyscan - Specialist photo library for air to ground images of the UK and the world; airplanes and general aviation; aerial sports - balloons, paragliding, skydiving, and parachuting. -
Air Images - Specializing in surveys throughout the British Isles. Also stock library including historic, and commercial sites, and scenic views. -
High Spy - Remote control aerial photographers; 35mm and medium format, for use in general and survey photography. Britain. -
197 Aerial Photography - Aerial photography in south-west Scotland, and the UK. -
Aerial Images - Oblique aerial photography from a 75' mast or remote controlled helicopter in the UK and Europe. -