Songpluggers - A Nashville, USA-based group dedicated to promoting songwriters. Conduit to major country music artists, producers, labels. Recording services, demos, performance tracks, free CD sampler. -
Step Out Productions - Event promotion and management services based in Cincinnati. Site includes upcoming events, photographs, and contact information. -
Sub Breed - Promotes music talent via its own web, TV, Radio Stations, and magazine. -
Space 380 - Offers promotion services for radio airplay, press reviews, tour and retail,TV coverage, and more. -
SVP Graphics - Offers CD design and graphics: includes samples and prices. -
Susan Halpern Program Notes - Writes tailored program notes for symphonic, recital and chamber music concerts. Specializes in orchestras, chamber groups, vocal ensembles, recitalists, and opera productions nationwide. -
Serious International Music Producers - International producer of Jazz, World and Contemporary music. Responsible for promoting and producing concerts, tours and special events. Based in London, UK. -
Steve Osborne Management - Band and artist promotional services including regional TV, radio, press coverage, and support. Services, clientes, news, and contact information. -
Size Thirteen Music - Providing all of the resources for professional recording artists from studio to stage. Includes details, prices and company information. -
Simply Mental Promotions - Offers promotion for bands in the United Kingdom. -