Has Anyone Ever Told You? - Austin, Texas indie label whose artists include The Deathray Davies, Egon and Dewey Defeats Truman. Bands, tours, sound samples, and FAQs. - http://www.hasanyoneevertoldyou.com/
Headchange Records - Independent label from Long Beach, California. Artists include Shave, Cake (LB), The Lungpigs, Busface, Lo Fi Champion, Thu Winners, and The Elderly Rock Opera. MP3s, artist information, and online store. - http://www.headchange.com/
Home Office Records - New York indie. Artists include The Cucumbers, Pawnshop, and RAW Kinder. MP3s, catalog, mailing list, and links. - http://www.web-ho.com/
Hindusthan Musical Products - Record label from India. Artists include K.L.Saigal, Pankaj Mullick, Bade Gulam Ali Khan, and Ustad Fyaz Khan. Catalog, artist information, and links. - http://www.webindia.com/hmp/