Kays - Features biographical information and profile of the film and TV composer. Downloadable video and music content of recent works. - http://www.musicbykays.com/
King, Eva - An award winning composer of television, film and games. - http://www.evaking.com/
Kolpakov, Pavel - Offers sacred and Secular music in MP3 for symphony orchestra, choir, organ and different ensembles. Can provide original compositions or arrangements from the client's material. - http://www.kolpakov.org/
Eugene Kulikov - UK based music production for film, TV, and other media. Includes MP3 audio samples of his work and contact information. - http://www.eugenek.com/
Karpman, Laura - Film and television composer: site includes credits, biography, and audio files. - http://laurakarpman.com/
Kirsch Electric - Music composition and sound design for all media. Showcases original music and sound design written for television and film by the composers at Kirsch Electric. - http://www.kirschelectric.com