U of Minnesota Sheep Publications - Health and management publications and other information about sheep from the Extension Service. - http://www.extension.umn.edu/listing.html?topic=8&subcat=79
Shepherds Diary - A year in the life of a Northumbrian hill shepherd - an online diary. - http://www.shepherdsdiary.co.uk/
Missouri Animal Sciences Publications - Catalog and summary of articles relating to sheep. - http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/ansci/sheep.htm
Sheep Canada - Quarterly magazine for sheep producers with articles on sheep health, nutrition, genetics, behaviour, and advice for beginners. - http://www.sheepcanada.com/
The Shepherd's Journal - Canada's comprehensive sheep publication specializing in current information regarding sheep production, sheep breeders and useful equipment. - http://www.shepherdsjournal.com/
Sheep! Magazine - "Publication for practical sheep farmers." Information about subscriptions and current events; profitable sheep tips, sheep books, and sheep links. - http://www.sheepmagazine.com/